Les huiles de CBD ont 50 % de chances de correspondre aux niveaux affichés, selon une nouvelle étude

Les huiles de CBD ont 50 % de chances de correspondre aux niveaux affichés, selon une nouvelle étude

Nœud source: 2538602

In today’s CBD market, customers can’t be too skeptical. Since there’s no FDA-approved method for scanning Suppléments de CBD, it’s up to each company to submit third-party lab tests. Unfortunately, there’s never a guarantee your CBD item has the cannabinoid concentrations posted on its label.

A recent trial from the University of Kentucky suggests the accuracy of posted CBD concentrations in hemp extracts is even worse than many imagined. According to this trial, customers have about a 50/50 chance that their CBD oil has the cannabinoid concentrations on the label. If consumers want the max benefit from their CBD ouil, they must understand the implications of this latest trial.

Dans le University of Kentucky’s latest test, scientists bought 80 CBD oil products from various brands. Before scanning each product in their lab facility, researchers recorded the advertised cannabinoid concentrations on each item’s label. The study authors then compared the results from their lab testing with these posted percentage claims.

According to the University of Kentucky, 46 percent of the oils had CBD that didn’t fit the advertised concentration. These “off” CBD oils either had CBD levels 10 percent above or below the posted numbers on the CBD oil’s label.

Considering these results, professors at the University of Kentucky encouraged CBD customers to screen any products they’re considering using. Researchers also urged the FDA to put forward a centralized…

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