1352 : "Comment Bitcoin atteindra 10 millions de dollars" - PDG de Binance CZ

1352 : "Comment Bitcoin atteindra 10 millions de dollars" - PDG de Binance CZ

Nœud source: 2786740

Binance CEO CZ predicted Bitcoin could reach $10 Million per coin along with how he believes BTC will reach this incredible target. 

CZ based his analysis on the possibility of several corporate companies across the world allocating 1% of their corporate treasury to Bitcoin. According to CZ, that could lead to a 1000x growth in the value of the flagship crypto.

«Avec les prévisions de prix, c'est vraiment, vraiment difficile. Je pense que cela pourrait atteindre, je ne sais pas, 1 million de dollars, 10 millions de dollars. C'est très difficile à dire.

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