اگر قبلا نمی دانستید

اگر قبلا نمی دانستید

گره منبع: 2969389

Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (GCRNN) گوگل
Graph processes model a number of important problems such as identifying the epicenter of an earthquake or predicting weather. In this paper, we propose a Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (GCRNN) architecture specifically tailored to deal with these problems. GCRNNs use convolutional filter banks to keep the number of trainable parameters independent of the size of the graph and of the time sequences considered. We also put forward Gated GCRNNs, a time-gated variation of GCRNNs akin to LSTMs. When compared with GNNs and another graph recurrent architecture in experiments using both synthetic and real-word data, GCRNNs significantly improve performance while using considerably less parameters. …

Retecs گوگل
Testing in Continuous Integration (CI) involves test case prioritization, selection, and execution at each cycle. Selecting the most promising test cases to detect bugs is hard if there are uncertainties on the impact of committed code changes or, if traceability links between code and tests are not available. This paper introduces Retecs, a new method for automatically learning test case selection and prioritization in CI with the goal to minimize the round-trip time between code commits and developer feedback on failed test cases. The Retecs method uses reinforcement learning to select and prioritize test cases according to their duration, previous last execution and failure history. In a constantly changing environment, where new test cases are created and obsolete test cases are deleted, the Retecs method learns to prioritize error-prone test cases higher under guidance of a reward function and by observing previous CI cycles. By applying Retecs on data extracted from three industrial case studies, we show for the first time that reinforcement learning enables fruitful automatic adaptive test case selection and prioritization in CI and regression testing. …

Wisdom of Crowds (WOC) گوگل
The wisdom of the crowd is the collective opinion of a group of individuals rather than that of a single expert. A large group’s aggregated answers to questions involving quantity estimation, general world knowledge, and spatial reasoning has generally been found to be as good as, and often better than, the answer given by any of the individuals within the group. An explanation for this phenomenon is that there is idiosyncratic noise associated with each individual judgment, and taking the average over a large number of responses will go some way toward canceling the effect of this noise.[1] This process, while not new to the Information Age, has been pushed into the mainstream spotlight by social information sites such as Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, Quora, and other web resources that rely on human opinion.[2] Trial by jury can be understood as wisdom of the crowd, especially when compared to the alternative, trial by a judge, the single expert. In politics, sometimes sortition is held as an example of what wisdom of the crowd would look like. Decision-making would happen by a diverse group instead of by a fairly homogenous political group or party. Research within cognitive science has sought to model the relationship between wisdom of the crowd effects and individual cognition.
WoCE: a framework for clustering ensemble by exploiting the wisdom of Crowds theory ...

Sparse Weighted Canonical Correlation Analysis (SWCCA) گوگل
Given two data matrices $X$ and $Y$, sparse canonical correlation analysis (SCCA) is to seek two sparse canonical vectors $u$ and $v$ to maximize the correlation between $Xu$ and $Yv$. However, classical and sparse CCA models consider the contribution of all the samples of data matrices and thus cannot identify an underlying specific subset of samples. To this end, we propose a novel sparse weighted canonical correlation analysis (SWCCA), where weights are used for regularizing different samples. We solve the $L_0$-regularized SWCCA ($L_0$-SWCCA) using an alternating iterative algorithm. We apply $L_0$-SWCCA to synthetic data and real-world data to demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority compared to related methods. Lastly, we consider also SWCCA with different penalties like LASSO (Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) and Group LASSO, and extend it for integrating more than three data matrices. …

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