یک برد درایور تخصصی rp2040 eInk

یک برد درایور تخصصی rp2040 eInk

گره منبع: 1783200

A rp2040 eInk specialty driver board

From our Ladyada –

“this board is sorta like a trinkey (https://www.adafruit.com/?q=trinkey&sort=BestMatch) – it’s a dedicated RP2040 board just for driving eInk displays with common 24-pin connectors. could be handy for folks who want to make USB-powered eInk displays without needing a feather + eInk wing (https://www.adafruit.com/product/4224) there’s a STEMMA QT port for expansion in case one wants to add GPIO or sensors. to be honest, i’m mostly designing this for myself to make it easier for me to quickly test and evaluate eInk panel samples in Arduino or CircuitPython!”

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