USA valitsuse uus samm võib teile suurt kasumit tuua

USA valitsuse uus samm võib teile suurt kasumit tuua

Allikasõlm: 1988649

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “Science and Technology Directorate” (S&T) Group recently developed a mind-blowing new invention:

A robot that can defuse bombs.

Siin on, mis see välja näeb:

S&T developed the technology alongside two partners that have boots-on-the-ground experience: Israel’s Ministry of Public Security (MOPS), and the Israel National Police Bomb Disposal Division (INPBDD).

Today, all three groups can deliver robotic capabilities to law enforcement and the military. In other words, robots will now be used to literally save lives.

That’s mind-blowing.

And it makes you wonder: what teine kas roboteid saab kasutada?

Suur tagasiastumine

The last two years have been unusual for the labor market.

In 2021, 47 million American workers quit their jobs. Last year, that number rose to 50.5 million. Some are calling it the Great Resignation.

Kuid kuidas te seda ka ei nimetaks, leiab USA end ajaloolise tööjõupuuduse keskel.

This is impacting important industries — from manufacturing and hospitality, to healthcare and construction. These industries just can’t hire the workers they need.

What can be done to solve this problem?

Robotid hakkavad tööle

Simple: bring in the robots!

Robots can fill many jobs that human workers don’t want to do, or ei peaks do. For example, they can sort inventory and even disarm bombs.

Big companies like Amazon and Chipotle have already started using robots. Amazon uses them to pick and pack at its warehouses. Chipotle uses them to make tortilla chips.

This is an enormous opportunity. That’s why professional investors are allocating billions of dollars towards it. In 2021, venture capitalists invested more than $17 billion into robotics startups. That’s triple the amount they invested in the sector the prior year. Clearly, they’re forecasting big investment profits for this industry.

Three Robotic Startups Raising Capital Today

But you don’t need to be a professional investor with a big checkbook to take advantage of this sector’s profit potential.

Here are three robotic startups currently raising funds from investors like you.

Peale kujutlusvõime — Founded by visionaries including Ray Kurzweil, Dean Kamen, and Tony Robbins, Beyond Imagination is developing an AI-powered humanoid robot that can perform a wide range of jobs.

For example, its robot Beomni is currently being trained as a “surgical tech” in the operating room. Beomni will hand off scalpels, forceps, sponges, and other tools to the surgeon. (For better or worse, one Beomni can work two full shifts in a row, seven days a week, thereby replacing 2.8 human workers.)

The company’s mission is to reinvent the world’s workforce. It plans to expand into industries such as manufacturing, hospitality, and retail. The potential market for this technology is in the trillions of dollars. By the year 2027, the company is projecting revenue of nearly one billion dollars.

AvaWatz — AvaWatz uses “decision intelligence” that enables robots to collaborate. Its tech platform transforms robots into teams of “cobots” that help companies get more done, more quickly, without compromising quality or safety.

Its solution can help manage dangerous debris on airfields, accelerate manufacturing output, and track land-management in challenging terrain.

Serving the private, government, and defense sectors, AvaWatz’ prototypes are currently being used by the U.S. Air Force and Army.

Ally Robotics - Ally loob "targemaid, kergemaid ja odavamaid" robotkäsivarsi nii restoranitööstusele kui ka mujale. See pakub ka koodivaba programmeerimise võimalust, nii et igaüks saab oma robotitele demonstratsiooni kaudu käitumist ja ülesandeid õpetada.

Kuid pidage meeles…

Pea meeles:

Ma ei soovita teil minna ja pimesi investeerida nendesse idufirmadesse.

Need on varajases staadiumis ettevõtmised, seega peate enne investeerimisotsuse tegemist põhjalikult uurima.

But if you believe in the robotics mega-trend, they could be a great place to start your search!

Head investeerimist

Pange tähele: Crowdability ei ole seotud ühegi idufirmaga, millest me kirjutame. Oleme sõltumatu idufirmade ja alternatiivsete investeeringute hariduse ja uurimistöö pakkuja.

Parimate soovidega,
Matthew Milner
Matthew Milner



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