Valensi ettevõte sõlmib White Label'i partnerluse Kanada juhtiva kanepimüüjaga Fire & Flower

Allikasõlm: 1866803

KELOWNA, eKr - Valens Company Inc. (TSX: VLNS) (OTCQX: VLNCF) (the “Company” or “The Valens Company”), a leading manufacturer of cannabis products, today announced a white label partnership with Fire & Flower Holdings Corp. (“Fire & Flower”) (TSX: FAF) (OTCQX: FFLWF), a leading, technology-powered, cannabis retailer with over 90 corporate-owned stores in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Yukon Territory. Under the terms of the agreement, Valens will manufacture Fire & Flower’s Revity CBD oil for distribution in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan with the potential to expand into additional provincial and territorial markets where permitted and agreed.

Tyler Robson, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder and Chair of The Valens Company, said, “Fire & Flower is one of the leading cannabis retailers in Canada with a wide reach in this rapidly growing market. We admire their focus on consumer education and best-in-class retailing and are proud to partner with them for the first time to get high-quality wellness-focused products in the hands of Canadian consumers. This strategic relationship allows us to strengthen and expand our wellness-focused manufacturing portfolio and provides the opportunity to further our partnership with one of the largest cannabis retailers in the country.”


Revity CBD oil will be formulated with Valens’ proprietary processing methods to remove impurities and bring distinct cannabinoids to the forefront of the consumer experience. Each product includes an integrated dispenser to ensure consistency with each use. The product focus of the Revity CBD line has been derived from key consumer insights in product formulation, target consumer segments, price and format in the Hifyre™ Digital Retail and Analytics Platform.

Trevor Fencott, Chief Executive Officer and President of Fire & Flower, added, “We are proud to introduce our Revity CBD Oil in partnership with Valens and are confident that they will meet the experience and quality expectations of Canadian consumers. Valens’ proven manufacturing excellence and experience producing high-quality wellness products made them a clear choice to help us continue to supply the evolving CBD market in Canada.”

At Valens, it’s Isiklik.

Firma Valens kohta

Valens Company on juhtiv kanepitoodete tootja, kelle missiooniks on tuua kanepi kasulikud omadused maailma. Ettevõte pakub patenteeritud kanepitöötlemisteenuseid, lisaks oma klassi parimale tootearendusele, kanepi tarbekaupade tootmisele ja turustamisele. Valens Company kvaliteetsed tooted on loodud meditsiini-, tervise- ja heaolu- ning meelelahutustarbijate segmendi jaoks ning neid pakutakse kõikides kanepitoodete kategooriates, keskendudes kvaliteedile ja innovatsioonile. Ettevõte toodab, turustab ja müüb Ameerika Ühendriikides oma tütarettevõtte Green Roadsi kaudu ka laia valikut CBD tooteid ning turustab Austraaliasse oma tütarettevõtte Valens Australia kaudu kanepiravimeid. Koostöös brändimajade, tarbekaupade pakendatud kaupade ettevõtete ja litsentsitud kanepitootjatega kogu maailmas jätkab ettevõte oma mitmekesise tooteportfelli kasvatamist, mis on kooskõlas kanepitarbijate muutuvate eelistustega peamistel turgudel. Valens Labsi kaudu kehtestab ettevõte kanepi testimise ning uurimis- ja arendustegevuse standardeid Kanada ainsa ISO17025 akrediteeritud analüütiliste teenuste laboriga, mille partner ja maailma teadusliider Thermo Fisher Scientific nimetas taimepõhise teaduse tippkeskuseks. Lisateavet The Valens Company kohta leiate aadressilt



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