Liivakast, et tuua Briti muuseum Metaversesse

Liivakast, et tuua Briti muuseum Metaversesse

Allikasõlm: 2794502

The British Museum takes its first dip into the Web3 realm.

Liivakast, a leading platform for developing Metaverse content, revealed a pioneering alliance with the British Museum on July 27th.

Koostöö eesmärk on open a digital gateway to the museum’s wealth of art and history for users worldwide.

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Announced via an official blog post, the partnership is set to generate distinctive “immersive experiences,” enabling users to explore historical epochs digitally. The project will give rise to a collection of digital assets representing the British Museum’s vast array of exhibits.

The Sandbox’s Co-founder and COO, Sebastien Borget, sees the collaboration as an innovative way to expose the platform’s user base to the richness of the British Museum’s offerings.

This is a great opportunity for The Sandbox players, regardless of where they are, to learn about and enjoy the amazing collections of human history, art, and culture in the British Museum.

Joining this venture is laCollection, a Web3 platform that has previously partnered with major global museum institutions to digitize art. laCollection is a key partner in bringing the British Museum’s collection into the Metaverse.

Although this marks the British Museum’s first dip into Web3, other prominent institutions have already made strides into this uncharted territory.

In a significant move earlier this year, the Centre Pompidou in France showcased a novel exhibition at the meeting point of art and blockchain. The exhibition displayed pieces from esteemed non-fungible token (NFT) collections such as CryptoPunks and Autoglyphs, making it a permanent fixture.

Samuti the Kharkiv Art Museum rolled out an NFT collection as a fundraising initiative to support its operation and safeguard its cultural legacy.

This landmark partnership between the British Museum and The Sandbox highlights the transformative role of the Metaverse and blockchain technology in making art and history more accessible. By stepping into the Metaverse, the British Museum stands at the forefront of a digital revolution, reshaping how audiences worldwide engage with cultural heritage.

Gile on turutunde analüütik, kes mõistab, millised avalikud sündmused võivad milliseid emotsioone tekitada. Tema kogemus Web3 uudiste ja avalike turusõnumite uurimisel – sealhulgas krüptovaluuta uudiste aruanded, suhtekorraldajad ja sotsiaalvõrgustike voogud – on tema rolli jaoks krüptouudiste toimetuse meeskonna juhtimisel ülioluline.
Intelligentse avalike suhete professionaalina püüab ta koos meeskonnaga kindlaks teha tõelised VS-i võltsuudiste mustrid ja tuua oma leiud kõigini, kes otsivad erapooletuid uudiseid ja FinTechi turgudel toimuvaid sündmusi. Tema teadmised on avastada uusimad usaldusväärsed ja informatiivsed Web3 teadaanded massidele.
Kui ta ei uuri peavoolulugude usaldusväärsust, veedab ta aega terrassivaadet nautides ja õuekeskkonna eest hoolikalt hoolt kandes.


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