300 180 aktiivse kasutaja teenindamine XNUMX riigis: Sendinblue fenomen

300 180 aktiivse kasutaja teenindamine XNUMX riigis: Sendinblue fenomen

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Sendinblue is the leading digital marketing platform that enables businesses with powerful tools for CRM, Email Campaigns, Live Chat, Marketing Automation, and more. Headquartered in Paris with offices in Seattle, Berlin, Sofia, Noida, Toronto, and Bangalore, Sendinblue serves more than 300,000 active users across 180 countries, a remarkable feat within a decade of its inception.

Sendinblue empowers SMBs to stand tall, prepare for takeoff, and compete with the more prominent players. Though the product has evolved to support large organizations such as Amnesty International and Carrefour, Sendinblue continues to serve SMBs, staying true to its mission of democratizing marketing technology to all businesses.


Sendinblue’s obsession with understanding, delighting, and serving SMBs is the bedrock of its success. And the team is always ready to take up newer, bigger growth opportunities — visible from their expansion to newer markets and six major acquisitions between 2019 and 2022.

Growth begets complexity, and there are no two ways about it. Every facade of Sendinblue’s growth brought corresponding subscription management challenges to their finance team. Serving SMBs & large enterprises meant lahendamine nii iseteeninduseks kui ka müügipõhiseks tellimusmudelid; laienemine uutesse piirkondadesse tähendas uuemad keeled, valuutad ja hinnapunktid hakkama saama. Kõige tipuks on ülemaailmse pandeemia taganttuultest põhjustatud VKEde digitaliseerimise ajalooline tõus ja selle hiljutised omandamised suurendanud gaasi selle hüperkasvu teekonnal.

Nende ettevõttesisene pärand arveldussüsteem suutis selle tempoga sammu pidada vaid nii kaua. Peale selle, et ei saa skaleerida, on see ei saanud makse olekut näha klientide tellimuste arvu, mis mõjutab otseselt lõpptulemust.

„Ärikasvu toetamine ning meie sisemiste süsteemide ja protsesside struktureerimine käivad käsikäes, sest me ei saa säilitada kasvu, kui meie süsteemid ei laiene. When we realized the limitations of our legacy billing system impacted our principal growth lever — our customers’ payment renewals — we knew a change was imminent,” said Edouard Celier, CFO, Sendinblue.


After a thorough evaluation of subscription management vendors, Sendinblue chose Chargebee. “We found Chargebee can truly empower companies like us in their growth and international expansion strategy. That’s the major reason we partnered with Chargebee, and we are glad we made that choice,” said Edouard.

Here’s how Chargebee fuels Sendinblue’s billing and payment collection ecosystem:

See, mis sai alguse kolmest lihtsast hinnatasemest, laienes, kui tutvustasime kohandatud plaane ja tegime läbi 3–4 hinnamuudatust. Ja kuna arveldame 15+ valuutas, peame ka seda arvesse võtma, isegi väiksema hinnamuutuse korral. See on kergendus, et Chargebee tootekataloog aitab seda hallata ilma kataloogi haldamist keerulisemaks muutmata.

Neeraj Bachpai, Product Manager, Sendinblue

  • Sujuv maksete kogumine ja vastavusse viimine: Chargebee’s native integrations with Adyen, GoCardless, and PayPal enable Sendinblue to collect online payments through diverse payment modes and close the invoices automatically. The offline payments collected through wire transfers are recorded by their team in Chargebee, enabling faster and more accurate payment reconciliation.

  • Lokaliseerimine täheks T: Sendinblue’s platform is available in 6 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Through Chargebee’s out-of-the-box support for all these, Sendinblue communicates with its customers in their preferred language — on transactional documents like invoices, checkout pages, or self-serve portal.


  • Mitu meeskonda, üks arvestussüsteem: Having Chargebee as the single system of record helps Edouard provide better visibility into subscription data to Sendinblue’s globally distributed finance teams spread across Europe and the US. It also enables its customer-facing teams to access subscription information and offer timely assistance to customers quickly.

  • Suurenenud töö efektiivsus: "Chargebee korduvad tulude töövood aitavad meil automatiseerida meie arveldusprotsesse ja püsida kursis üha keerukamate turustandardite ja regulatiivsete vastavustega, nagu Ühendkuningriigi ja EL-i käibemaks," lisas Edouard.


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