Nintendo toob 23 aastat hiljem tagasi haruldase Pokémoni kaardi pärast seda, kui kuulus mustkunstnik loobus hagist: "Ma olin loll"

Nintendo toob 23 aastat hiljem tagasi haruldase Pokémoni kaardi pärast seda, kui kuulus mustkunstnik loobus hagist: "Ma olin loll"

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Pokémon, mis on Pokémoni TCG-st üle kahe aastakümne puudunud, naaseb lõpuks pärast seda, kui illusionist Uri Geller (kes väitis, et Pokémon põhineb tema sarnasel) sai näiliselt elule uue vaatenurga. Geller kaebas Nintendo kohtusse 2000. aastal pärast seda, kui nägi Jaapanis pilti Kadabra kaartidest, millel on nimi "Yungerer" või "Yungeller" (selge viide ütleb Gellerile tema enda nimele), nõudes 60 miljonit dollarit kahjutasu. Kui hagi jäeti 2003. aastal Ameerikas tagasi, jätkas Geller seda teistes piirkondades.

Nintendo remained tight-lipped about the matter, though fans noted that Kadabra began to be used more sparingly outside of the games and, in the case of the cards, eventually not at all. The Pokémon was removed from the trading card game in 2002 but will return in this year's Pokémon Card 151, which features the very first game's roster (including Kadabra). 

See uudis jäi katki veebisaidi PokéBeach poolt (avaneb uuel vahelehel), mis sai Gellerilt ka teate pärast avaldamist. 

"I am pleased Pokémon fans are excited to see Kadabra return to the card game," said Geller. "Look, I want to thank the Pokémon fans who reached out to me over the last [few] years. Including the ones from PokéBeach, who kept contacting me non-stop. So basically, it was you and my granddaughters that got me to change my mind.

"Now we can all see Kadabra reunited with the original Pokémon in the card game this summer. I love you all. And I admit, totally open and honest. I was a fool. It was a devastating mistake for me to sue Pokémon. [Kadabra] was basically a tribute to Uri Geller. But it’s back now. Forgive me. I love you all. Much love and energy."

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Kuigi Gelleril on varem olnud kohtuvaidlusi, võis tal siin ka omajagu olla. Kindlasti sai Kadabra inspiratsiooni Geller, kes on maailmakuulus illusionist ja möödunud aastakümnetel pidevalt ekraanidel. Ülejäänud Alakazam Pokémon põhinevad teistel mustkunstnikel: Abra on Edgar Cayce; Alakazam on Harry Houdini.

Geller apparently wrote to Nintendo in late 2020 to tell them he'd changed his mind about things, and in December 2020 the president of The Pokémon company, Tsunekazu Ishihara, wrote a letter of thanks (and to give credit where it is definitely due, this seems sparked by a PokéBeach campaign that began on its forums in 2018).

In August 2022, Geller had basically announced this was coming. "The reason I changed my mind—first of all, I did a stupid thing for suing them," said Geller. "I was just angry that my name appeared on a Pokémon card out of the blue without ever being asked. The most important thing is in these 20 years I became a grandfather. I saw my granddaughters and I thought 'Come on, you gotta release the Pokemon card back into circulation again.' Hence my letter. And what a nice letter [Ishihara] sent back. I’m really happy about it."

This is a very Friday story, in which a notoriously litigious corporation is finally no longer under the threat of litigation, and can do a nice thing, but arguably they also deserved it, so… I'm throwing my hands up. I guess at least Nintendo knows Houdini isn't gonna sue.


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