Minerva ja Equifax Kanada partnerid AML-lahenduste valdkonnas

Minerva ja Equifax Kanada partnerid AML-lahenduste valdkonnas

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Partnership | Release | Jan 17, 2024

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Minerva Launches Channel Partner Program with Equifax Canada to Enhance AML Solutions

TORONTO, January 17, 2024 – Minerva, a trailblazer in AML technology, has announced the initiation of its channel partner program. This strategic development includes Equifax Canada, a global leader in data, analytics, and technology, as its inaugural partner. This collaboration is set to expand the accessibility and capabilities of Minerva’s AML compliance technology.

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Minerva, renowned for its proactive AML platform, is instrumental in identifying client risks from the initial onboarding stage through to exit, aiding top compliance teams in preempting financial crime. The company’s clientele spans prominent financial organizations and enterprises across the US and Canada, including names like MOGO, SBI Canada Bank, and Coinbase.

. kanali partnerprogramm is designed to provide partners and their customers with direct access to Minerva’s state-of-the-art AML risk assessment solutions. These solutions are crucial for ensuring compliance with evolving regulations and for proactive protection against financial crime. The program is tailored for organizations that aim to resell, cosell, integrate, or refer Minerva’s AML solutions, enhancing their customer relations and market presence.

Equifax Kanada, the first partner in this program, is a powerhouse in providing unique data and analytics solutions, powered by advanced cloud technology. This partnership will enable Equifax Canada’s customers to leverage Minerva’s advanced AML solutions, furthering their commitment to combat financial crime.

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Jennifer Arnold, co-founder and CEO of Minerva:

“After a year of meticulous planning and collaboration to provide best in class solutions for our customers, we have now formalized our partnership with Equifax Canada.  Together, we are poised to deliver an unrivaled AML compliance and fraud protection offering. By coupling Equifax Canada’s robust customer relationships and fraud expertise with our sophisticated AML compliance solutions, Canadian businesses will now be even more empowered to thrive in a secure financial environment.”

Minerva kohta

Minerva stands as a RegTech leader, founded by AML industry experts, aimed at transforming AML compliance. The company’s proactive platform employs advanced deep learning models and neural networks to analyze data across multiple languages, aiding compliance teams in staying ahead of financial crime. Minerva’s platform is adept at creating detailed customer profiles and predictive risk analyses in real-time, making it a trusted partner for financial institutions seeking swift and accurate risk assessment results.  LisateavetKülastage gominerva.com.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Minerva & Equifax Canada Partner on AML Solutions

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Minerva & Equifax Canada Partner on AML Solutions. Riiklik ühisrahastuse ja finantstehnoloogia assotsiatsioon (NCFA Canada) on finantsinnovatsiooni ökosüsteem, mis pakub haridust, turuanalüüsi, tööstuse juhtimist, võrgustike loomist ja rahastamisvõimalusi ning teenuseid tuhandetele kogukonna liikmetele ning teeb tihedat koostööd tööstuse, valitsuse, partnerite ja sidusettevõtetega, et luua elujõuline ja uuenduslik fintech ja rahastamine. tööstus Kanadas. Detsentraliseeritud ja hajutatud NCFA on seotud ülemaailmsete sidusrühmadega ning aitab inkubeerida projekte ja investeeringuid finantstehnoloogia, alternatiivse rahanduse, ühisrahastamise, vastastikuse rahastamise, maksete, digitaalsete varade ja žetoonide, tehisintellekti, plokiahela, krüptovaluuta, regtechi ja kindlustustehnoloogia sektoritesse. . Liitu Kanada finantstehnoloogia ja rahastamise kogukond täna TASUTA! Või saada a panustav liige ja saada soodustusi. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage: www.ncfacanada.org

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