Loop Industries teatab memorandumist 66 miljoni USA dollari suuruse mittelahjendava rahastamise saamiseks Reed Managementilt, mis on osa Euroopa Infinite Loop(TM) tehnoloogia kasutuselevõtu ühisettevõttest

Loop Industries teatab memorandumist 66 miljoni USA dollari suuruse mittelahjendava rahastamise saamiseks Reed Managementilt, mis on osa Euroopa Infinite Loop(TM) tehnoloogia kasutuselevõtu ühisettevõttest

Allikasõlm: 3069838

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, 19. jaanuar 2024 – (ACN Newswire) – Loop Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq:LOOP) (the “Company” or “Loop”), a clean technology company whose mission is to accelerate a circular plastics economy by manufacturing 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (“PET”) plastic and polyester fiber, announced today that the Company signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Reed, a European investment firm focused on high impact and technology-enabled infrastructure.

Loop and Reed intend to form a strategic long-term partnership through the establishment of a 50/50 joint venture (the “JV”) to commercialize Loop’s technology in Europe. Reed intends to provide financing of €60 million (US$66 million) in non-dilutive capital. Of this amount, US$33 million is to be provided to Loop as non-dilutive capital to fund Loop’s technology commercialization globally. The remaining US$33 million is to be invested in the JV.

Mittesiduva vastastikuse mõistmise memorandumi suhtes kohaldatakse tavapärast hoolsuskohustust ja teatud sulgemiseelsete tingimuste täitmist. Tehing peaks lõppema 2024. aasta märtsi lõpuks.

Memorandumi tingimuste kohaselt annab Reed kapitali järgmiselt:

  • US$11 million equity investment in the JV to acquire from Loop exclusive rights to co-invest alongside Loop in commercialization projects using Loop’s technology in Europe through the planned joint venture between Loop and Reed;
  • US$22 million loan from the JV to Loop in two equal tranches – first tranche paid at closing and second tranche paid in the following 12 months with both tranches having a 10% PIK rate and 3-year term;
  • US$33 million commitment to cover initial costs to develop projects in Europe, including Loop’s equity contribution to the previously announced JV to construct an Infinite LoopTM plant in Saint-Avold, France;
  • Kõik järgnevad kapitalisüstid ühisettevõttesse rahastatakse Reedi ja Loopi vahel suhtega 50/50.

The planned 50/50 JV will be formed to invest in projects across Europe to commercialize Loop’s technology. This partnership reflects the strong commitment on the part of both Reed and Loop to capitalize on the potential of the rapidly developing European market, with high demand being driven by the introduction of more stringent European plastic recycling regulations and commitments by global brands to achieve their sustainability targets.

The planned partnership with Reed leverages the in-depth industry experience of Reed’s leadership in the development and financing of infrastructure projects throughout Europe as well as their established financing relationships with major institutions. Reed’s experienced investment team is augmented by world-class industry leaders and operating partners with significant expertise in the infrastructure, climate change and investment industries, with a strong network of alliances of large cap companies in the energy, water and waste sectors.

See kavandatud partnerlus võimaldab Loop Industriesil vähendada omakapitali sissemaksete rahastamisvajadust, et toetada Infinite LoopTM-tehnoloogiat kasutades Euroopa turule ehitatavate suurema arvu rajatiste kasutuselevõttu. Loop Industries saab autoritasusid ja inseneritasusid otse Euroopasse kavandatavatelt rajatistelt.

Daniel Solomita, Founder and CEO of Loop Industries, commented “We are delighted to form a partnership with Reed, which has been a long-standing supporter of Loop’s groundbreaking technology. We believe that this partnership, which combines Reed’s extensive financing relationships and experience in the development of major capital projects with Loop’s innovative technology, will be invaluable in the next stage of Loop’s strategic development, and maximize our opportunity to penetrate the European market as brands adapt to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements for plastic recycling.”

“This model will also allow Loop to maximize shareholder value as Reed will co-invest in the equity for each Infinite LoopTM project in Europe, while Loop receives annual royalty fees and one-time engineering fees from each facility. In addition, the structure of the current planned financing will be accretive to shareholder value by minimizing initial equity dilution,” added Mr. Solomita.

Reed Management SASist

2023. aastal asutatud Reed Management on Euroopa investeerimisühing, mis keskendub suure mõjuga ja tehnoloogilisele infrastruktuurile. Julien Touati juhitud Reed Management kasutab oma meeskonna ja partnerite mitmekümne aasta pikkust kogemust, et toetada kapitali- ja tehnoloogiamahukate lahenduste laiendamist, mis võimaldab olulist infrastruktuuri ümber paigutada ja pakkuda pikaajalist stabiilset tulu, millel on tugev mõju.

Loop Industriesi kohta

Loop Industries is a technology company whose mission is to accelerate the world’s shift toward sustainable PET plastic and polyester fiber and away from our dependence on fossil fuels. Loop Industries owns patented and proprietary technology that depolymerizes no and low-value waste PET plastic and polyester fiber, including plastic bottles and packaging, carpets and textiles of any color, transparency or condition and even ocean plastics that have been degraded by the sun and salt, to its base building blocks (monomers). The monomers are filtered, purified and polymerized to create virgin-quality LoopTM branded PET resin suitable for use in food-grade packaging and polyester fiber, thus enabling our customers to meet their sustainability objectives. LoopTM PET plastic and polyester fiber can be recycled infinitely without degradation of quality, successfully closing the plastic loop. Loop Industries is contributing to the global movement towards a circular economy by reducing plastic waste and recovering waste plastic for a sustainable future.

Ettevõtte lihtaktsiad on noteeritud NASDAQ globaalsel turul sümboli "LOOP" all.

Lisateabe saamiseks külastage palun www.loopindustries.com. Jälgi Loopi Twitteris: @loopindustries, Instagram: loopindustries, Facebook: Loop Industries ja LinkedIn: Loop Industries

Tulevikku suunatud avaldused

See pressiteade sisaldab "tulevikku suunatud avaldusi", nagu on määratletud USA-s 1995. aasta eraväärtpaberite kohtuvaidluste reformimise seadus. Sellistele väidetele võivad eelneda sõnad "kavatseb", "võib", "tahab", "plaanib", "ootab", "ennustab", "peaks", "võiks", "prognoosid", "prognoosid", "prognoosid". ”, „sihib”, „usub”, „loodab”, „potentsiaalne” või „jätkavad” selliste terminite või sarnaste sõnade negatiivset tähendust. Need tulevikku suunatud avaldused hõlmavad ilma piiranguteta väiteid Loopi turuvõimaluste, selle strateegiate, suutlikkuse kohta oma võimeid parandada ja laiendada, konkurentsi, eeldatavate tegevuste ja kulutuste kohta, kui Loop järgib oma äriplaani, olemasolevate raharessursside adekvaatsuse ja eeskirjade järgimise kohta. , tulevase kasvu ja tulevaste tegevuste plaanid, Loopi adresseeritava turu suurus, turusuundumused ja Loopi finantsaruandluse sisekontrolli tõhusus. Tulevikku suunatud avaldused ei garanteeri tulevast tulemuslikkust, põhinevad teatud eeldustel ning on allutatud erinevatele teadaolevatele ja tundmatutele riskidele ja ebakindlusele, millest paljud on väljaspool Loopi kontrolli ning neid ei saa ennustada ega kvantifitseerida ning sellest tulenevalt võivad tegelikud tulemused oluliselt erineda. selliste tulevikku suunatud avaldustega väljendatud või kaudsetest. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with among other things: (i) commercialization of our technology and products, (ii) our status of relationship with partners, (iii) development and protection of our intellectual property and products, (iv) industry competition, (v) our need for and ability to obtain additional funding relative to our current and future financial commitments, (vi) engineering, contracting, and building our manufacturing facilities, (vii) our ability to scale, manufacture, and sell our products in order to generate revenues, (viii) our proposed business model and our ability to execute thereon, (ix) the ability to obtain the necessary approvals or satisfy any closing conditions in respect of any of our proposed partnerships, (x) our joint venture projects and our ability to recover certain expenditures in connection therewith, (xi) adverse effects on the Company’s business and operations as a result of increased regulatory, media, or financial reporting scrutiny, practices, rumors, or otherwise, (xii) disease epidemics and other health-related concerns and crises, which could result in reduced access to capital markets, supply chain disruptions and scrutiny, embargoing of goods produced in affected areas, government-imposed mandatory business closures and any resulting furloughs of our employees, government employment subsidy programs, travel restrictions or the like to prevent the spread of disease, or market or other changes that could result in non-cash impairments of our intangible assets, and property, plant and equipment, (xiii) the effect of the continuing worldwide macroeconomic uncertainty and its impacts, including inflation, market volatility and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange and interest rates, (xiv) the outcome of any SEC investigations or class action litigation filed against us, (xv) our ability to hire and/or retain qualified employees and consultants, (xvi) other events or circumstances over which we have little or no control, and (xvii) other factors discussed in Loop’s subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Üksikasjalikum teave Loopi ja riskitegurite kohta, mis võivad mõjutada tulevikku suunatud avalduste elluviimist, on esitatud Loopi avaldustes SEC-ile.  http://www.sec.gov. Loop ei võta endale kohustust oma tulevikku suunatud avaldusi avalikult ajakohastada või läbi vaadata uue teabe, tulevaste sündmuste või muu tõttu.

Rohkem informatsiooni:

Investorite suhted:
Kevin C. O’Dowd, Investor Relations
Loop Industries, Inc.
+ 1 617-755-4602

Meedia päringud:
Andrea Kostiuk, turunduse ja kommunikatsiooni asepresident
Loop Industries, Inc.
+1 (450) 951-8555

SOURCE: Loop Industries, Inc.

Teema: pressiteate kokkuvõte

Allikas: Loop Industries, Inc

Sektorid: Vesi, Keskkond, ESG, Alternatiivenergia


Asia Corporate News Networkist

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