2. osa: Vestlus David Brayga (esimene osa)

Allikasõlm: 1596635

Aprill 1, 2020

OODA CTO Bob Gourleyga liitus dr David Bray
Atlantic Councili geotehnoloogia keskus laiaulatuslikuks aruteluks
riske ja võimalusi praeguses ärikeskkonnas.
Otsustajad ja analüütikud, kes soovivad saada teavet tuleviku kohta
töö, andmete tulevik, usalduse ja tervise tulevik
Dr Bray kogemused, arusaamad ja tema enda pidev õppimine
tugevast globaalsete mõtteliidrite võrgustikust olla mõlemad
informatiivne ja tegutsemisvõimeline.

This first of two parts covers:

  • The mission of the Atlantic Council’s Geotech Center and ways
    decision-makers can leverage its work
  • Dr. Bray’s work with Vint Cerf and Mei Lin Fung of the People
    Centered Internet
  • How world leaders are working with the Atlantic Council to have
    trusted conversations on the future and how technology impacts
  • The continual advancement of technology, and how the course of
    tech might shift because of the current pandemic and our collective
  • The continued importance of fighting misinformation,
    disinformation, and the malicious use of technologies.
  • Ways companies and governments can continually scan the horizon
    to look for indications of changes in technology.
  • The extensive lessons learned from past pandemics and how those
    apply to the Covid-19 case.
  • Concepts that can speed the recovery of the economy as a whole
    and also help businesses survive, thrive and reboot to help the
    economy and bring people back to work.
  • New business models for the new realities post-pandemic

The second segment of this discussion dives deeper into the
current geopolitical situation and what this means both for
corporations and governments.

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