Keskkonnarühmad ütlevad, et valitsuse otsus loobuda biokütustest annab "tohutu leevenduse"

Keskkonnarühmad väidavad, et valitsuse otsus loobuda biokütustest annab tohutu leevenduse

Allikasõlm: 1947745
ülal: Don't Burn Our Future supporters dressed as "angry foods" to present a petition opposing the Sustainable Biofuels Obligation to the government in December last year.

Keskkonnarühmad, auto- ja fossiilkütuste lobistid ning opositsioonierakonnad on kõik tervitanud valitsuse otsust biokütuste mandaadist loobuda.

But the Green Party is warning that the mandate was expected to deliver 50% of the transport-related emissions reduction target - about nine million tonnes of CO2-e by 2035. It is unclear where those savings are now going to come from.


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