Parimad monopoliaktsiad Indias

Parimad monopoliaktsiad Indias

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Mitu monopoolset India korporatsiooni oskate nimetada? Täna vaatleme ühte Warren Buffetti lemmikkategooriat, monopole, kuid India turgudel. Monopol on seotud ettevõtete kategooriaga, mis on oma tööstusharus turuliidrid tänu märkimisväärsele konkurentsieelisele. Nendel ettevõtetel on raske konkureerida ja säilitada oma toodete ja teenuste suurim turuosa.

Nende ettevõtete aktsiaid nimetatakse investeerimismaailmas MOAT aktsiateks. Vallikraav on lai kraav, mis ümbritses keskaegseid losse ja pakkus ohutusvaru. Ettevõtlusmaailmas on sellised vallikraavid kas sisenemisbarjäärid, nagu olulised kapitali- või valitsuse piirangud või ettevõtte loodud konkurentsieelis.

We take a look at the Indian Monopoly stocks that dominate their respective industries. There are industry leaders who have no or very little competition. Monopoly examples in India are available in every industry in different sizes. The top monopoly stocks are divided into three categories: large-cap, midcap and smallcap monopoly stocks. Let’s get this party started.

Kuidas saavutab ettevõte tugeva turumonopoli?

In a monopolistic market, customers continue to purchase a particular company’s products or services since the market is controlled by this company. There are several ways companies create monopolies in their respective industries. Some of these are significant technology barriers, distribution reach, and regulations. Many a time, customers continue to use a company’s products simply because of high switching costs, effectively helping the company in creating a monopoly.

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Kui palju maksab vahetus?

See on kulu, mida klient kannab ühelt tootelt teisele üleminekul. Tugeva hinnakujundusjõuga ja laiemate vallikraaviga ettevõtted muudavad klientide jaoks keeruliseks konkurendi toote kasutamise, lisades oma toodetele eristavaid omadusi. Kuna ainulaadne funktsioon annab konkurentsieelise ja sellest tuleneva tulude püsivuse, on sellistel monopolidel paljutõotav tulevik.

The company’s goodwill is another factor that distinguishes monopoly stocks.

Lubage mul esitada teile küsimus. Mis oleks esimene bränd, mis hambapastale mõeldes meelde tuleb… Kas see pole mitte Colgate? Samamoodi, kui mõelda nuudlitele, tuleb esimesena kohe meelde Maggi.

Monopolistic businesses have exceptional brand recognition. This is because they put in a lot of effort to make their product stand out. Not only that, but the business has also spent a lot of money on marketing and expanding its distribution system.

Because of these factors, monopoly stocks have the potential to become multi-baggers in the long term.

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Väikeste ettevõtete monopoliaktsiad

A small-cap company in India is defined as one with a market capitalization of less than INR 5,000 crores, although the precise definition isn’t very relevant to our discussion. Investors are generally looking for up-and-coming growing firms that are rapidly expanding.

#1 Idamaade süsinik ja kemikaalid

Oriental Carbon & Chemicals on Indias ainus lahustumatu väävli (IS) tootja. Sellel on turul domineeriv staatus, mis moodustab ligi 55–60% siseturust (ülejäänud osa katab import) ja globaalse turuosa umbes 10%.

Parimad Monopoli aktsiad

IS-i kasutatakse kummi vulkaniseerimiseks, millest seejärel valmistatakse rehve. Vulkaniseerimine on lihtsalt kummi kuumutamine väävliga ja protsess pakub kummitoodetele suuremat stabiilsust.

IS is a minor component of tyre cost, but it is critical to tyre functionality, life, and quality. The procedure is extremely specialized and capital-intensive. The approval process is also rigorous and lengthy, and it could take several years. Oriental Carbon is the sole household player in this specialized market.

Oriental Carbon on turuliider tänu oma pidevale tootmisvõimsuse suurendamisele. Ettevõttel on ka tugev finantsseisund ning ettevõttesisene teadus- ja arendustegevus.

Oriental Carbon lõpetas hiljuti esimese etapi (5,500 MTPA võimsus) oma ettevõtmises laiendada IS tootmisvõimsust Haryanas ja Dharuheras.


NOCIL is India’s largest rubber chemicals manufacturing business, accounting for over 40% of the market. Its long-term partnerships include Apollo, JK, Sumitomo Rubber, MRF, Ceat, Michelin, Yokohama Rubber, Continental, Bridgestone, and others.

NOCIL võidab kogu maailmas turuosa ning rahvusvahelised ostjad soovivad laiendada oma hankimist Hiinast kaugemale.

Lisaks eeldatakse, et ettevõtte tulud kasvavad käesoleval eelarveaastal, kuna see suurendab äsja lisatud tootmisvõimsust, viib ellu järjepidevat hinnatõusu ja suurendab turuosa eksporditurgudel.

Tööstusharul, kus NOCIL tegutseb, on vähe hinnakujundusvõimet. Suurema osa ettevõtte kasvust annavad tunnistust nii müüdavad mahud kui ka pakutavate kaupade mitmekesisus. NOCIL on teeninud varandust, hoides hindu madalal ja see teeb ta monopoolsete aktsiate seas eriliseks.

Keskmise ettevõtte monopoli aktsiad

Midcap companies have a market capitalization greater than INR 5,000 crore and less than INR 20,000 crore. Putting money in these businesses can be riskier than investing in companies in the large-cap market but these players often have a proven track record and a longer operating history than smallcap stocks.

#3 Borosili taastuvad energiaallikad

Borosil Group has been ahead of others in tapping the solar opportunity in India. Its group company Borosil Renewables is India’s first and only solar glass manufacturer. Given the potential in the renewable energy sector in general and specifically the robust expected demand from retail households, Borosil Renewables is an excellent long-term pick for investors.

Borosil Renewables – India monopoolsete aktsiate hulgas

While it features in the list of midcap monopoly stocks as of now, its 3-year revenue CAGR of 43.8% indicates that the stock will migrate to a large cap in the coming years. The icing on the cake is its high ROCE of 27.2% which means the company wouldn’t need to take on a lot of debt to fund its expansion plans.

Borosil Renewables has also set its eyes on international markets and has revealed plans to acquire Europe’s largest solar glass manufacturer Interfloat Group. It also plans to invest INR 1,500 crore in the next two years to expand its manufacturing capacity.


Computer Age Management Services (CAMS) pakub finantsinfrastruktuuri ja -teenuseid India kasvavale investeerimisfondide tööstusele ligi 70% turuosaga. See on India suurim registripidaja ja investeerimisfondide ülekandeagent, kuid pakub lisaks investeerimisfondidele teenuseid ka ettevõtetele. Tehniliselt tegutseb CAMS duopolis ja konkureerib sellega KFin Technologies (which has a 30% market share) but has all elements of a monopoly stock.

CAMS käivitas oma IPO in September 2020 and rewarded investors very well with its shares gaining over 100% within 12 months of listing. It operates in a sunrise industry and thus, can be expected to do well in the coming several years and keep its place in the monopoly stocks list.

Suurekapitali monopoliaktsiad

# 5 Söe India

Coal India is India’s leading coal mining and processing company. Coal Mines Authority Ltd. was formed in 1973. The Union Government now owns it and manages it through the Ministry of Coal. It is also the biggest coal-producing company in the world. Until 2020, coal mining was a government monopoly in India but the sector has now been opened to private players. Nevertheless, Coal India is still a dominant player and counts virtually all the domestic power and steel businesses among its customers.

Parimad Monopoli aktsiad

India is now the world’s second-largest coal producer. It produced approximately 777.3 million tonnes of coal in FY2021-22. Coal India’s production stood at 596.2 million tonnes in the same year, translating to a market share of 82.0%.

Kuigi Coal Indial on kivisöe tootmise segmendis monopol, mitmekesistab ta oma äritegevust päikeseenergiaprojektide ja väetisetehaste rajamisega.

Coal India on peaaegu võlavaba ja sellel on hea dividenditootlus, mis muudab selle dividendiinvestorite jaoks atraktiivseks.

There are footwear manufacturers and then there is Relaxo. One might even question the classification of Relaxo in monopoly stocks as there are several players in this sector. However, Relaxo keeps the competition away from making a dent in its target market of non-leather footwear by keeping costs low and earning less than INR5 per pair. This way, it creates a virtual monopoly.

Sellel on kaheksa tootmisrajatist 7.5 miljoni paariga päevas. Ettevõttel on üle-India tugev turustusvõrk ja jaekauplused, mis tarnivad Relaxo tooteid enam kui 50,000 XNUMX müügipunkti (POS) kaudu, mille tulemuseks on suur geograafiline ja klientide mitmekesisus.

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# 7 Aasia värvid

Asian Paints is India’s leading paint company and it boasts of 50% market share in the domestic paints market. This market share increases to 60% when it comes to the decorative paints segment which is the mainstay of the company. Technically, this may not be a monopoly stock but practically, the company enjoys all the monopoly powers including pricing. Its extensive product range, massive distribution network across the country, and culture of continuous innovation help in defending its market share.

Lately, the supernormal profits enjoyed by Asian Paints have attracted the attention of other players and JSW group and Aditya Birla group’s Grasim Industries have expressed their interest in entering this lucrative market. This is not the first time Asian Paints’ market dominance has been challenged and the company has survived and thrived over several decades.

This is not an exhaustive monopoly stocks list and there are several other monopoly shares in India. Some of these monopoly players in India and their price performances are listed below.

Parimad monopoliaktsiad Indias

Ettevõtte nimiPrice as on 31 March 20231 Yr P/L (%)3 Yr P/L (%)5 Yr P/L (%)
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd2731.183.9424.9137.6
ITC Limited383.553.0123.448.5
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited70.0541.9236.8(15.0)
APL Apollo1205.3531.8866.8488.5
Mold-Tek Packaging902.9523.7441.2176.2
Eicheri mootorid2948.8520.0125.24.2
Procter & Gamble Health Ltd4686.0517.129.0208.7
Söe India213.6516.752.6(23.0)
Mitme kaubabörs1516.57.134.9115.8
Asahi India Glass Limited452.154.9189.631.3
Pidilite Industries2353(4.1)73.5149.9
Hindustani tsink293.35(5.4)88.8(3.2)
Aasia värvid2761.65(10.3)65.7140.1
Lehekülje tööstused37903.3(12.2)123.470.6
India konteinerite korporatsioon580.25(13.7)75.016.9
Praj Industries341(14.4)519.4308.6
Oriental Carbon & Chemicals670.2(16.0)19.9(38.9)
Juubeldav FoodWorks440.1(16.5)49.586.8
Relaxo jalatsid850.95(20.2)42.1160.3
India Raudtee Toitlustus- ja Turismikorporatsioon572.8(26.1)191.5-
Expleo Solutions Ltd1228.85(26.8)756.0153.9
Borosili taastuvenergia410.85(29.2)1,003.0-
Central Depository Services908.75(38.6)323.9204.0
India energiabörs127.95(43.1)200.0141.6
Delta Corp.180.7(45.3)176.5(25.6)

Sulgemise mõtted

While so much has been talked about investing in monopoly stocks and businesses, you must first determine whether the company can continue enjoying its dominance in the future. For example, in this article on best monopoly stocks, we mentioned firms with solid financials such as Relaxo, Asian Paints, and Oriental Carbon.

Monopolies are hard to establish and maintain in the lack of government support. Some monopolies, especially PSU monopolies like IRCTC, may vanish with a stroke of a pen. In such extreme cases, businesses often spiral down over several years and large-cap monopoly stocks become midcap and midcap monopoly stocks become small-cap stocks.

Investing refers to a company’s ability to maintain a strong position in the market to protect market share and ensure long-term profits. The larger the moat, the more secure the business. If the moat is weak, competition will eventually ruin the game, deplete returns, and steal market share and profits.

As a result, choosing firms with solid moats is a wise investment strategy and monopoly stocks come in this category. Of course, the company’s valuations, as well as its inherent value and margin of safety, must be examined. Investing in monopoly stocks is no silver bullet and even monopoly stocks are correct occasionally.

Monopoli KKK

Kas Indias on monopolid?

Yes, there are monopolies in India, other than those mentioned above such as IRCTC, which has a 100% market share in online train ticketing. There are some companies with a large market share, such as IEX, which has a 95% share in short-term electricity agreements in India.

Kui palju on monopolis mängijaid?

In a clear monopoly, only one player is controlling the market. However, markets with multiple players are also considered monopolies as long as a single company yields control.

Millised on nelja tüüpi monopolid?

Monopolid jagunevad nelja tüüpi:
Looduslikud monopolid: See on olukord, kus üks ettevõte toodab toodet.
Geograafilised monopolid: Need tekivad siis, kui geograafilises piirkonnas on vähe müüjaid.
Valitsuse poolt lubatud monopolid: Need on loonud valitsus ja need ei ole avatud eraisikutele.
Tehnoloogilised monopolid: Need tekivad siis, kui ühele ettevõttele kuulub kogu tootmistehnoloogia.

Miks on elektriettevõtetel monopolid?

Elektri tootmine ja jaotamine on kallis äri. Klientidele saab pakkuda suuremahulise tootmise eeliseid. Üks madalamate kuludega ettevõte on tugevamas kohas, et nõuda kliendilt madalamat hinda kui mitu mängijat, kes teevad kõvasti tööd muutuv- ja püsikulude vähendamise nimel.

Is it profitable to invest in monopoly stocks?

As IPO Central’s data suggest, it is profitable to invest in monopoly stocks over a long timeframe.


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