Austraalia reguleerib kõrge riskiga tehisintellekti

Austraalia reguleerib kõrge riskiga tehisintellekti

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AI Regulation | Jan 25, 2024

Freepik AI - Australia to Regulate High-Risk Artificial IntelligenceFreepik AI - Australia to Regulate High-Risk Artificial Intelligence Image by Freepik

Austraalia valitsus announces mandatory regulation of high-risk AI applications in its interim response to the “Safe and Responsible AI” consultation from 2023

  • Valitsus plaanib consult on a new regulatory framework specifically targeting high-risk AI applications. This includes establishing safety guardrails that address the unique challenges posed by these technologies.  The Australian Government has outlined a two-pronged approach for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This strategy includes implementing more stringent transparency measures for AI systems considered high-risk, while adopting a more lenient regulatory stance for those AI applications deemed low-risk.

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  • Also, in collaboration with the National AI Centre ja tööstus, government is developing a voluntary AI Safety Standard, aiming to encourage best practices in AI development and deployment.
  • Arvestades voluntary schemes for labelling and watermarking AI-generated content, this initiative seeks to enhance transparency for consumers.
  • Valitsus on assessing the adequacy of current technology-neutral laws in relation to AI-specific risks, which is crucial in ensuring existing legal frameworks are capable of addressing new challenges posed by AI.

Transparency and Economic Impact

Emphasizing the importance of transparency, the government’s strategy involves making consumers and businesses aware of when and how AI systems are used, especially in high-risk scenarios. This includes public reporting on AI system limitations, capabilities, and areas of appropriate use.

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The regulatory efforts are not just about risk mitigation but also about fostering an environment conducive to AI innovation. Economically, AI adoption in Australia has the potential to substantially boost annual output, with projections indicating a possible addition of A$600 billion by 2030.


Australia’s progressive steps in AI regulation mirror a global trend towards more robust governance of technology. This initiative is expected to set a benchmark for other nations, emphasizing ethical responsibility alongside technological innovation.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Australia to Regulate High-Risk Artificial Intelligence

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Australia to Regulate High-Risk Artificial Intelligence. Riiklik ühisrahastuse ja finantstehnoloogia assotsiatsioon (NCFA Canada) on finantsinnovatsiooni ökosüsteem, mis pakub haridust, turuanalüüsi, tööstuse juhtimist, võrgustike loomist ja rahastamisvõimalusi ning teenuseid tuhandetele kogukonna liikmetele ning teeb tihedat koostööd tööstuse, valitsuse, partnerite ja sidusettevõtetega, et luua elujõuline ja uuenduslik fintech ja rahastamine. tööstus Kanadas. Detsentraliseeritud ja hajutatud NCFA on seotud ülemaailmsete sidusrühmadega ning aitab inkubeerida projekte ja investeeringuid finantstehnoloogia, alternatiivse rahanduse, ühisrahastamise, vastastikuse rahastamise, maksete, digitaalsete varade ja žetoonide, tehisintellekti, plokiahela, krüptovaluuta, regtechi ja kindlustustehnoloogia sektoritesse. . Liitu Kanada finantstehnoloogia ja rahastamise kogukond täna TASUTA! Või saada a panustav liige ja saada soodustusi. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage:

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