Näitleja Matt Damon avab Crypto.com-i reklaamide välimuse kohta

Näitleja Matt Damon avab Crypto.com-i reklaamide välimuse kohta

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More than a year after the launch of Crypto.com’s “Fortune Favors the Brave” advertisement Matt Damon explains why he appeared in the ad.

During the March 27th premiere of the actor’s new film, Mark Damon kodar to the Associated Press about his decision to partake in the infamous Crypto.com ad.

According to Matt Damon, with the advertisement, his main objective was to raise funds for his clean water nonprofit organization, Water.org, which was dealing with financial difficulties at that time.

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When asked about the advertisement, Matt Damon explained:

We had a down year in Water.org, and I did that commercial in an attempt to raise money for Water.org.

Matt Damon disclosed that at one point, he donated his entire salary to Water.org when it was wrestling with financial troubles. Based on Damon, Crypto.com learned about his act of kindness and independently contributed $1 million to the organization.

Reflecting on their support, Damon stated:

I definitely have a lot of gratitude to them, and for what they did for our foundation.

In 2009, Matt Damon and engineer-philanthropist Gary White co-founded the clean water initiative. Water.org aims to enhance global access to clean water by providing small loans for purchasing and installing water taps and toilets.

Debuting in October 2021, the ad showcased Damon in a digital environment with historical figures like the Wright brothers and Sir Edmund Hillary. The campaign was displayed on billboards and television spots across the globe.

The Crypto.com commercial was also highly advertised during the 2021 Super Bowl, along with eToro add promoting “the power of social investing” and FTX’s ad with Larry David urging Americans to not miss out on crypto. However, after a significant downfall of crypto markets in 2022, the most recent Super Bowl was crypto ad-free.

Gile K. – krüptoanalüütik

Gile K. – krüptoanalüütik, BitDegree


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