Kanada ja Ühendkuningriik sõlmivad koos tehisintellekti lepingu

Sissejuhatus Olulise sammuna ülemaailmse tehnoloogilise koostöö suunas on Ühendkuningriik ja Kanada sõlminud kaks lepingute kogumit, mis rõhutavad nende pühendumust koostööle teaduse, innovatsiooni ja tehisintellekti (AI) vallas. Arvutite vastastikuse mõistmise memorandum paistab silma keskse komponendina, mis rõhutab arvutusvõimsuse otsustavat rolli tehisintellekti teadus- ja arendustegevuse edendamisel. See samm järgneb Ühendkuningriigi tehnoloogiasekretäri Michelle Donelani kolmepäevasele visiidile Kanadasse, mis kulmineerus nende oluliste lepingute allkirjastamisega. Lugege ka: USA kehtestab tehisintellekti ohutu arendamise reeglid

WBA (Walgreens Boots Alliance) digitaalse ümberkujundamise strateegia aruanne 2023: Tehnoloogia fookus ja algatused, partnerlused, investeerimis- ja omandamisvõrgustiku kaart, IKT eelarve ja lepingud – ResearchAndMarkets.com

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The “WBA – Digital Transformation Strategies” company profile has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc (Walgreens Boots Alliance) is a retail and wholesale company, focused on health and wellbeing products. The company offers pharmacy products including prescription and non-prescription drugs, beauty and toiletries products and allied services through drugstores and online. Its retail and business brands includes Walgreens, Duane Reade, Boots, and Alliance Healthcare. The report offers a comprehensive overview of Walgreens’ technology-related activities, providing valuable insights into the company’s approach to digital transformation and innovation.

Tehnoloogia roll ringmajanduses

Technology emerges as a driving force in shaping the Circular Economy in this evolving dance between progress and environmental stewardship. Going beyond models of production and consumption, technology infuses innovation, transparency, and efficiency into practices at its core. These advancements pave the way for a future where resources are valued, waste is minimized, and ecosystems flourish. What is a Circular Economy  The circular economy is founded upon three design-driven principles: Eliminating waste and pollution, Circulating materials and products for their maximum value, and regulating the environment. The circular economy model

Lõuna-Aafrika raudtee kaotas andmepüügikelmuse tõttu üle miljoni dollari

Lõuna-Aafrika raudteeagentuur kaotas umbes 30.6 miljonit randi (1.6 miljonit USA dollarit) pärast seda, kui transpordivõrk langes andmepüügipettuse ohvriks. Lõuna-Aafrika reisijateraudteeagentuur (PRASA) teatas oma aastaaruandes, et on taastanud veidi üle poole rünnaku taga olevate kurjategijate varastatud raha kogusumma.Vargus on jätkuvalt käimasoleva uurimise objektiks."PRASA koges küberturvarünnakut – andmepüügi, mille puhul kahju ulatus 30,568,830,00 15,721,813.00 XNUMX XNUMX rublani," seisis transpordiagentuuri aruandes. "Alustati kriminaalasi ja summa oli XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX RUB

Drifter World and Tele2 IoT simplify the race for a parking space | IoT Nüüd Uudised ja aruanded

Tele2 IoT and Drifter World, a company that uses AI to optimise the use of parking spaces and electric vehicle charging stations, are collaborating to connect drivers with spaces and charging points. Tele2 is providing a cellular IoT connectivity solution that maximises uptime and gives the company full control over its fleet of devices. Drifter’s system enables the entire parking flow to be automated and the need for parking attendants, parking discs and payment machines disappears completely. When a vehicle arrives, the system automatically detects it using smart cameras and

4 küsimust, mida välise DNS-i pakkuja valimisel arvesse võtta – IBM Blog

4 questions to consider when you’re selecting an external DNS provider - IBM Blog <!----> <!-- --> There are many reasons to move to a managed DNS platform, but they all revolve around a central theme. Once you reach a critical mass of traffic and start getting concerned about the performance and reliability of what you’re delivering, it’s time to consider a managed DNS solution. There are several well-known options out there, and to a newcomer they can appear relatively similar at first. Every managed DNS provider offers a 100%

Apple'i Vision Pro käivitub koos enam kui 600 selle jaoks loodud rakendusega

About the Author By Ryan Daws | 2nd February 2024 Ryan is a senior editor at TechForge Media with over a decade of experience covering the latest technology and interviewing leading industry figures. He can often be sighted at tech conferences with a strong coffee in one hand and a laptop in the other. If it's geeky, he’s probably into it. Find him on Twitter (@Gadget_Ry) or Mastodon (@gadgetry@techhub.social) .pp-multiple-authors-boxes-wrapper {display:none;} img {width:100%;} Apple has revealed its upcoming Vision Pro headset will launch today with over 600 apps and games

AI vs. ML: Decoding the technologies shaping our world | IoT Nüüd Uudised ja aruanded

Meedia Meie igapäevaelus on üha raskem vältida sõnade „tehisintellekt (AI)” ja „masinõpe (ML)” kuulmist nii tööstuses kui ka akadeemilistes ringkondades. Need tehnoloogiad on sisenenud meie igapäevaellu ja muudavad enamikku majandussektoreid, loovad uusi teadmiste ja praktika valdkondi ning juhatavad sisse uue ajastu inimkonna ajaloos. Kuid isegi kui need kiiresti areneva intelligentsuse vormid muutuvad akadeemias ja väljaspool seda nähtavamaks, takistavad nende ebatäpsed määratlused, nende viiside ja rakendusala ebamäärasus nende täielikku mõistmist. See

Softbank targets two million with 1NCE flat rate IoT connectivity | IoT Nüüd Uudised ja aruanded

Home › IoT Insights › Softbank targets two million with 1NCE flat rate IoT connectivity SoftBank has announced an expansion of its global Internet of Things (IoT) business in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, spanning 19 countries and regions, including Japan. SoftBank’s primary emphasis in this initiative will be directed towards marketing IoT services, with a key focus on promoting the 1NCE IoT Flat Rate connectivity offering. SoftBank aims to acquire a total of two million 1NCE IoT Flat Rate connections in APAC and other regions within its 2025 fiscal

Nous Infosystems attains Microsoft AI and Machine Learning Specialisation | IoT Nüüd Uudised ja aruanded

Home › Artificial Intelligence › Nous Infosystems attains Microsoft AI and Machine Learning Specialisation Image by FreepikNous Infosystems has announced that it has achieved the Microsoft AI and Machine Learning Specialisation. This advanced specialisation solidifies Nous’ position as a trusted partner for clients and affirms exceptional capabilities in delivering successful solutions using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities.With a proven track record of delivering technology services and solutions, Nous continues to showcase its ability to provide real-world solutions in the evolving field of AI/ML. The achievement serves