Texas aprueba enmiendas que agregan criptomonedas a la Declaración de Derechos

Texas aprueba enmiendas que agregan criptomonedas a la Declaración de Derechos

Nodo de origen: 2647612

139 legislators voted in favor of the proposed amendments, with only two being against it.

On May 10th, the lawmakers in Texas hosted a vote proposing to amend the state’s Bill of Rights to include cryptocurrencies.

With the move, legislators in the state aimed to give recognition to individuals that utilize, possess, or retain cryptocurrencies, Tales como Bitcoin (BTC), Éter (ETH)y Tether (USDT).

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El proyecto de ley fue inicialmente introduced on March 3rd by State Representative Giovani Capriglione.

In a nutshell, the bill ofrece to make the use of “cash, coin, bullion, digital currency, or privately issued script” for trading legal. The Texas House Bill HJR 146 reads:

The right of the people to own, hold, and use a mutually agreed upon medium of exchange, including cash, coin, bullion, digital currency, or privately issued scrip, when trading and contracting for goods and services shall not be infringed.

Durante la votación, 139 legislators voted in favor of the proposal, con las two lawmakers voting against it.

Interestingly, the bill includes a rather pro-crypto statement:

No government shall prohibit or encumber the ownership or holding of any form or amount of money or other currency.

Vale la pena señalar que the Texas Bill of Rights is similar to the US Bill of Rights and protects essential liberties of citizens, such as freedom of religion, press, and speech. However, the Bill also includes some parts distinguished only to the state of Texas. For example, the right to possess and carry weapons for self-defense.

On May 11th, the founder of the Texas Constitutional Enforcement group, Tom Glass, revelado esa there should be another House vote for the bill. If the bill passes all stages in the House, then it will be moved to the Senate, Y un public vote will be initiated.

A finales de abril entusiastas de crypto se to the streets of Texas to protest the Senate’s Koops to amend Texas’ utilities and tax code, introducing restrictions for crypto mining companies.

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