El creador de Meta se marcha dos años después de la adquisición por parte de Onward

Nodo de origen: 2001523

The tech world was recently rocked by news that Meta’s creator, Meron Gribetz, is leaving the company two years after its acquisition by Onward. Meta was a revolutionary augmented reality (AR) startup that created the world’s first consumer-ready AR glasses. The company was acquired by Onward in 2018 and Gribetz was appointed as CEO of the newly formed Onward Meta.

Gribetz fundó Meta en 2013 con el objetivo de crear un producto que revolucionara la forma en que las personas interactúan con la tecnología. Buscaba hacer que la tecnología AR fuera más accesible y asequible, y su visión se hizo realidad cuando Meta lanzó sus primeras gafas AR listas para el consumidor en 2016. Las gafas fueron elogiadas por su diseño elegante y su interfaz de usuario intuitiva, y rápidamente se convirtieron en una opción popular para desarrolladores y consumidores por igual.

Despite the success of Meta’s products, Gribetz decided to leave the company two years after its acquisition by Onward. In a statement, Gribetz said that he felt it was time to move on and explore new opportunities. He also thanked Onward for their support and expressed his gratitude for the chance to lead the company.

Gribetz’s departure from Meta is a significant loss for the company, as he was instrumental in its success. His vision and leadership were key to the development of Meta’s products, and his departure could be a major setback for the company. However, Onward has stated that it is committed to continuing the development of Meta’s products and that it will remain focused on delivering innovative AR experiences to consumers.

Meta’s acquisition by Onward was a major milestone for the AR industry, and Gribetz’s departure is a reminder of the ever-changing nature of the tech world. While Gribetz’s departure may be a setback for Meta, his vision will continue to shape the future of AR technology.

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