verificación de identidad seudónima en cadena verificación de identidad seudónima en cadena

Nodo de origen: 2588056

Phillip Shoemaker is the former Apple App Store Director. He is now Executive Director at, a non-profit organization pioneering pseudonymous on-chain identity verification for Web3.

Por qué deberías escuchar is an open-source, decentralized platform that offers developers permissionless authentication and verification while allowing consumers to control their own data. is a product of Identity Technologies, Inc., a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization to promote social welfare that will create a world where individuals and organizations can freely access decentralized identity verification services on demand. is the leading identity-verification nonprofit providing an open-source, decentralized ecosystem.

It also provides a marketplace focusing on verifying credentials rather than exchanging personally identifiable information. Together with, companies and developers may create convenient, on-demand identity verification solutions that offer consumers more control over their digital identities.

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