Lanzamiento de Fair Prediction: SparkWorld está reinventando las NFT

Lanzamientos de predicción justa: SparkWorld está reinventando las NFT

Nodo de origen: 2642858

SparkWorld is an innovative community-centric web3 ecosystem, powered by Fair Prediction Launches and underpinned by the SPRK token.  

Por qué deberías escuchar

Jolyon Horsfall is the founder of SparkWorld, an innovative community-centric web3 ecosystem on a mission to creatively overcome the challenges of whitelisting, randomized minting, and prelaunch NFTs through a gamified trustless marketplace that creates value for everyone.

Spark facilitates Fair Prediction Launches (FPLs) through a new mechanism that distributes NFTs in the most equitable and engaging way possible using gamification and prediction markets.

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