ep. 537 Crypto Story Lines: Del 1 contra 1 con SBF a la Casa Blanca

ep. 537 Crypto Story Lines: Del 1 contra 1 con SBF a la Casa Blanca

Nodo de origen: 2661561

In this episode of Crypto 101 we talk to Tiffany Fong who is one of our favorite influencers in the crypto space.  We appreciate her as she never pretends to know or study charts but she is an expert in navigating the space.  The highlight of this interview is learning how she got one of the first 1 on 1 interviews with Sam Bankman Fried during the FTX collapse.  Part of being an expert in a space is understanding and knowing who are thought leaders from both a technical and social outlook so enjoy getting to know Tiffany!

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