El cannabis tiene un gran potencial medicinal, pero no es una panacea

El cannabis tiene un gran potencial medicinal, pero no es una panacea

Nodo de origen: 1975426

Over the last five years, an often forgotten piece of US federal legislation – the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Bill – ha dado paso a un explosión de interés en el potencial médico del cannabidiol derivado del cannabis o CBD.

Después de décadas de debate, el proyecto de ley legalizó que los agricultores cultiven cáñamo industrial, a plant rich incannabis-derived cannabidiol. Hemp itself has tremendous value as a cash crop; it’s used to produce biofuel, textiles and animal feed. But the cannabis-derived cannabidiol extracted from the hemp plant also has numerous medicinal properties, with el potencial de beneficiar a millones a través del tratamiento de trastornos convulsivos, dolor o ansiedad.

Prior to the bill’s passage, the resistance to legalising hemp was due to its association with marijuana, its biological cousin. Though hemp and marijuana belong to the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa., cada uno tiene una química única, con características y efectos muy diferentes. La marihuana posee tetrahidrocannabinol, o THC, el químico que produce la característica alta that is associated with cannabis. Hemp, on the other hand, is a strain of the cannabis plant that contains virtually no tetrahydrocannabinol, and neither it nor the cannabis-derived cannabidiol derived from it puede producir una sensación elevada.

Como profesor y presidente de las departamento de farmacología at Penn State, I have been following research developments with closely and have…

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