Navigering i svindellandskabet: 6 forudsigelser for det kommende år

Navigering i svindellandskabet: 6 forudsigelser for det kommende år

Kildeknude: 3092895

The evolving landscape of fraud in the financial sector demands a proactive approach to security. As criminals constantly refine their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities, the importance of predicting the trajectory of fraud and understanding the dynamics
of KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations becomes critical for building robust defences.

Der er seks nøgleforudsigelser i 2024, der vil være med til at forme kampen mod svindel i de finansielle tjenester.

Konvergensen af ​​beskyttelse mod svindel og hvidvaskning af penge (FRAML)

Som reaktion på det eskalerende problem er der en forventning om øget samarbejde og afstemte målsætninger mellem anti-hvidvaskning af penge (AML) og svighold inden for finansielle institutioner, hvilket giver anledning til 'FRAML'-paradigmet.

I erkendelse af de iboende forbindelser mellem hvidvaskning af penge og svig har denne integrerede tilgang til formål at reducere falske positiver, forbedre kundeonboarding-oplevelser og forbedre risikoidentifikation.

Seneste Experian-forskning viser, at økonomisk kriminalitet koster Storbritannien svimlende £290 milliarder årligt. Skiftet mod FRAML-drift vil være afgørende for at fremme mere nøjagtige risikovurderinger og omfattende kundesyn.

Skiftet til plastik 'pengemuldyr' 

With current accounts facing tightened defences, criminals are predicted to shift their focus to alternative products like credit cards, retail store cards, or gift cards. ‘Plastic money mule’ fraud involves accomplices overpaying credit card balances and
transferring the excess to fraudsters, exploiting gaps in transaction monitoring.

Som en konsekvens heraf er det afgørende for institutioner at tilpasse deres forsvar til disse nye tendenser og sikre, at sårbarheder i forskellige produkter og tjenester behandles.

Deling af data om økonomisk kriminalitet

The passing of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill in 2023 lays the groundwork for improved financial crime data sharing among institutions. As criminals collaborate and exploit weaknesses in the financial system, this initiative seeks to
empower institutions with shared insights, enabling them to identify bad actors and emerging fraud trends more efficiently and quickly.

Potentialet for at få adgang til AML-, KYC- og kreditrisikodata fra flere organisationer lover et betydeligt spring med hensyn til at reducere den samlede svindel og AML-risici.

Øget brug af Open Banking til identitetsbekræftelse

The use of Open Banking is expected to lead to broader use of its identity verification capabilities. While unlikely to be the sole means of identification for high-value financial products, Open Banking data will likely complement other verification methods,
playing a crucial role in reducing fraud and AML risks.

Nye former for svindel og "svindel" på grund af APP-svindellovgivningen

The Authorised Push Payment (APP) reimbursement legislation introduced in 2023, while essential for protecting consumers, has the potential to create new fraud opportunities for criminals. The stringent reimbursement rules may lead to a ‘scamming spiral,’
with fraudsters exploiting the quick return of funds within five days to perpetrate fraud repeatedly.

Industrien skal implementere nye teknologiske løsninger og omfattende uddannelse for at modvirke og forhindre disse nye risici.

Vækst i AI-drevet svindel

The breakthroughs in AI seen are predicted to be harnessed by fraudsters to create hyper-realistic customer profiles. Advanced generative AI tools can now produce fake images, identification documents, and even social media accounts at scale, challenging
traditional identification methods. In response, security-focused institutions are expected to implement AI-driven solutions to combat these evolving fraud risks.

In 2024, the financial industry must remain vigilant, collaborative, and technologically adept to protect businesses and customers alike. The merging of technology, data sharing, and proactive measures is our best defence against the ever-adapting tactics
of those seeking to exploit the financial system.


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