DARPA søger ny rumbaseret massemålretningssoftware

DARPA søger ny rumbaseret massemålretningssoftware

Kildeknude: 2561000

03 April 2023

af Carlo Munoz

The Satellite Control Network’s largest remote tracking station, operated by the 23rd Space Operations Squadron, at New Boston Space Force Station, New Hampshire. DARPA’s Overwatch programme will allow for active tracking of 1,000 targets from space. (US Space Force)

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) er ved at udvikle en ny satellitbaseret målretningssoftware, der er i stand til at spore op mod 1,000 individuelle terrestriske mål samtidigt fra rummet, når det er modent.

DARPA’s Oversight project, as designed, “seeks software solutions to enable autonomous constant custody, or knowledge of target location within accuracies necessary for mission needs” on up to 1,000 individual “targets of interest”, according to an agency overview of the effort. The eventual Oversight tracking software suite will allow the US Armed Forces, as well as allies with access to the software, to mass-track targets “through management of available satellite hardware resources”, the overview stated.

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