Analyse af halvlederdefekter i SEM-billeder ved hjælp af SEMI-PointRend: En mere nøjagtig og detaljeret tilgang

Analyse af halvlederdefekter i SEM-billeder ved hjælp af SEMI-PointRend: En mere nøjagtig og detaljeret tilgang

Kildeknude: 2019310

The semiconductor industry is constantly evolving and improving, and with it, the need to analyze defects in semiconductor images. SEMI-PointRend is a new approach to analyzing defects in SEM images that provides more accurate and detailed results.

SEMI-PointRend is a computer vision-based method for analyzing defects in SEM images. It uses a combination of image processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to detect and classify defects in the images. The system first detects the defects in the image, then classifies them according to their type. This allows for more accurate and detailed analysis of the defects.

The system uses a combination of image processing techniques such as edge detection, feature extraction, and segmentation to detect the defects. It then uses machine learning algorithms such as support vector machines and deep learning to classify the defects. This allows for more accurate and detailed analysis of the defects.

The system has been tested on a variety of SEM images and has been found to be more accurate and detailed than traditional methods. It is able to detect and classify defects with higher accuracy than traditional methods, and it is also able to detect defects that are not visible to the naked eye.

SEMI-PointRend is a powerful tool for analyzing defects in SEM images. It is able to provide more accurate and detailed results than traditional methods, and it is also able to detect defects that are not visible to the naked eye. This makes it an invaluable tool for the semiconductor industry, as it can help to identify and address potential issues before they become a problem.


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