المكافأة: لماذا يجب على الحكومات تبني تقنيات الدفع الجديدة؟

المكافأة: لماذا يجب على الحكومات تبني تقنيات الدفع الجديدة؟

عقدة المصدر: 2018657

In today's bonus show, our expert hosts, David M. Brear and Mauricio Magaldi, are joined by some great guests to ask: "Why should governments embrace new payment technologies?”

ضيوف هذا الأسبوع هم:

  • Mauricio Magaldi, Global Strategy Director of Crypto, 11:FS
  • Chris Holmes, Baron Holmes of Richmond
  • جاناي إيو، مدير السياسة المالية، غرفة التقدم

Innovation can often move a lot faster than the bureaucracy – and sometimes that’s a good thing when it comes to risk and regulation.

But with payments technology growing, evolving, and offering solutions to some of the world’s big problems – is it time for governments globally to catch up?

Our amazing panel discuss how governments and payments technology work together, the potential solutions from blockchain, and how the future of payments will shape the future of our biggest economies.

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Special Guests: Chris Holmes, David M. Brear , and Janay Eyo.

الطابع الزمني:

اكثر من Blockchain Insider بواسطة 11: FS