
Cloudflare Announces Free Post-Quantum Cryptography, Criticizes Companies Exploiting Fear of Quantum Computing

Cloudflare, a leading content delivery network, recently announced the launch of their new post-quantum cryptography. This new technology is designed to protect against the potential threats posed by quantum computing, which could potentially break traditional encryption methods. The announcement comes as a response to companies that have been exploiting fear of quantum computing to sell their own products and services.Quantum computing is a relatively new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way computers process information. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which allow for the

Parris Campbell Joins New York Giants as Wide Receiver

The New York Giants have made a big move in free agency, signing wide receiver Parris Campbell to a one-year deal. Campbell, who was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts in the second round of the 2019 NFL Draft, is a speedy and versatile player who will add a new dimension to the Giants' offense. Campbell has been a productive player for the Colts, catching 53 passes for 586 yards and three touchdowns in his two seasons with the team. He also has the ability to make plays in the running

French Wish Users Receive Access to Online Shopping Platform Again

The French have been eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved online shopping platform, Wish. After months of being locked out of the platform, the French are finally able to access Wish again.Wish is an online shopping platform that allows users to purchase items from around the world at a discounted price. It is one of the most popular online shopping platforms in France, and it has been used by millions of people.The French government had blocked access to the platform due to concerns about counterfeit products being sold on

French Wish Users Receive Access to Shopping Platform Again

The French wish users have been eagerly awaiting the return of their beloved shopping platform. After months of being unable to access the site, they are finally able to shop again. Wish is a popular online shopping platform that offers a wide range of products at discounted prices. It is particularly popular among French users due to its low prices and convenient delivery options. Unfortunately, the platform was shut down in France in April 2020 due to a dispute with the French government over taxes. The dispute was resolved in

French Wish Customers Receive Access to Online Shopping Platform Again

In recent weeks, French customers have been eagerly awaiting the reopening of online shopping platforms. With the country in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many French citizens have been unable to purchase items online. This has been a major inconvenience for many, as it has limited their ability to purchase essential items such as food and other household goods.Fortunately, the French government has recently announced that online shopping platforms will be allowed to reopen on May 11th. This news has been met with much excitement from French customers, who

French Wish Customers Receive Shopping Option Again

The French have long been known for their love of shopping, but the coronavirus pandemic has put a damper on their favorite pastime. With the country in lockdown, many stores have been forced to close, leaving customers without the option to shop. However, there is hope that the situation will soon change and French wish customers will be able to enjoy shopping again. The French government has recently announced plans to gradually reopen stores and businesses, beginning with essential services such as supermarkets and pharmacies. This will allow customers to

Team Secret Announces Addition of Armel and Yamich to Dota 2 Roster

Team Secret recently announced the addition of two new players to their Dota 2 roster. Armel and Yamich, both Filipino players, will be joining the team for the upcoming 2021 season. Armel is a veteran of the scene, having played professionally since 2013. He has been part of several successful teams, most notably TNC Predator, where he won the ESL One Los Angeles 2020 Major. He is known for his aggressive playstyle, which often leads to early game victories. Yamich is a relatively new player to the scene, having only

Natwest Bank Introduces Restrictions on Cryptocurrency Payments to Curb UK Crypto Frauds

In a bid to curb the rising number of crypto frauds in the UK, NatWest Bank has announced that it will be introducing restrictions on cryptocurrency payments. This move is part of the bank’s effort to protect its customers from falling victim to such scams. Cryptocurrency frauds have become increasingly common in the UK, with criminals using the digital currency to facilitate their activities. In recent months, there have been a number of high-profile cases of people being scammed out of large sums of money through cryptocurrency transactions. As a

Meta Quest Now Compatible with Unreal Engine 5, But Lacks Two Key Features

Meta Quest, the popular game engine for creating 3D and virtual reality (VR) experiences, has recently announced compatibility with Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). This is exciting news for game developers, as it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for creating immersive and interactive experiences. However, while the compatibility is a welcome addition, there are two key features that are currently missing from Meta Quest's UE5 integration. The first missing feature is the lack of support for ray tracing. Ray tracing is a rendering technique that allows for more

Gener8 Secures €5.7 Million Funding and Launches App to Empower Users with Control Over Their Personal Data

Gener8, a European data privacy and security company, recently announced the successful completion of a €5.7 million funding round and the launch of their new app. The app is designed to give users more control over their personal data and to help them protect their privacy. Gener8’s app is a comprehensive tool that allows users to manage their personal data, including the data they share with companies and websites. It also helps users identify and delete any data that may have been collected without their knowledge or consent. The app

SVB Offers Repayment to Startups and VCs: What Does This Mean?

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) recently announced that it will offer repayment to startups and venture capitalists (VCs). This news has been met with excitement from the startup and venture capital communities, as it could potentially provide a much-needed lifeline for companies struggling to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. But what does this mean for startups and VCs? Under SVB's repayment program, startups and VCs can receive up to $1 million in repayment funds. These funds are intended to help companies cover costs associated with running their businesses, such as