
The Science Behind Gold Flowing Through Woodlice and How Water Droplets Can Seal Leaky Pipes

Gold Flowing Through WoodliceWoodlice, also known as pill bugs or roly-polies, are small crustaceans that are commonly found in damp environments such as gardens and forests. These creatures have a unique ability to accumulate and transport gold particles through their bodies, which has fascinated scientists for years.The process of gold accumulation in woodlice begins when they ingest soil or other organic matter that contains small amounts of gold particles. The gold particles are then absorbed into the woodlice's digestive system and transported to their hepatopancreas, a specialized organ that plays

New Delica Mini from Mitsubishi Motors to be Launched in May

Mitsubishi Motors has announced the launch of its new Delica Mini in May 2021. The Delica Mini is a compact van that has been popular in Japan for over 50 years. The new model promises to be more efficient, comfortable, and versatile than its predecessors.One of the most significant changes in the new Delica Mini is the introduction of a hybrid powertrain. The hybrid system combines a 1.2-liter gasoline engine with an electric motor to provide improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. The new model is expected to achieve a

Meta’s Latest AI Technology Explores the Enigmatic Proteins of Our Planet

Meta, a leading provider of AI-powered solutions for scientific research, has recently announced its latest breakthrough in exploring the enigmatic proteins of our planet. The company's new AI technology is designed to help scientists better understand the complex structures and functions of proteins, which play a critical role in virtually every biological process.Proteins are large, complex molecules that are essential for life. They are responsible for a wide range of functions in the body, including catalyzing chemical reactions, transporting molecules, and providing structural support. Despite their importance, many proteins remain

Meta’s Latest AI Technology is Exploring the Enigmatic Proteins of Our Planet

Meta, a company that specializes in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, has recently announced its latest project: exploring the enigmatic proteins of our planet. This new project aims to use AI to better understand the complex structures and functions of proteins, which are essential building blocks of life.Proteins are large, complex molecules that play a crucial role in many biological processes. They are responsible for everything from building and repairing tissues to transporting molecules throughout the body. However, despite their importance, much about the structure and function of proteins remains a

Norwegian Company Tests 66-Tonne Electric Truck Prototype

Norway is leading the way in the electric truck revolution, with a Norwegian company recently testing a 66-tonne electric truck prototype. The truck, developed by Norwegian company Scania, is the largest electric truck to be tested in Europe and is part of the company's effort to reduce emissions and improve sustainability.The prototype is powered by a battery pack that is capable of providing up to 1,000 kilowatts of power. This is enough to power the truck for up to 200 kilometers (124 miles) on a single charge. The truck is

SpaceX’s Crew Dragon Caps Off 157-Day Mission with Successful Splashdown

On August 2, 2020, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft successfully completed its 157-day mission with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico. The mission, known as Demo-2, was the first crewed mission to launch from the United States in nearly a decade and marked a major milestone in the commercialization of space travel. The mission began on May 30, 2020, when the Crew Dragon spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On board were two NASA astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley. The mission was a test flight to

SpaceX Crew Dragon Completes 157-Day Mission with Successful Splashdown

SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft has completed its 157-day mission with a successful splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico. This marks the first time a commercially-built and operated spacecraft has been used to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station (ISS).The mission began on May 30th, 2020, when SpaceX launched its Crew Dragon spacecraft, carrying two NASA astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, to the ISS. During their stay on the ISS, the astronauts conducted a variety of experiments and tests, as well as performing maintenance and repair work.

SpaceX Crew-5 Astronauts Return to Earth with Florida Splashdown

On May 2nd, 2021, the SpaceX Crew-5 astronauts returned to Earth with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida. The mission, which was the first operational mission of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft, was a historic achievement for both SpaceX and NASA. The Crew-5 mission was launched on April 23rd from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It was the first mission to use SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft, which is designed to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station (ISS). The mission was also

Air Force One Livery Unveiled for New Presidential Aircraft

The United States Air Force recently unveiled the new livery for the next generation of Air Force One, the presidential aircraft. The new livery is a modern take on the iconic blue, white, and gold color scheme that has been used on Air Force One since the 1960s.The new livery features a light blue base color with a darker blue stripe along the center of the fuselage. The stripe is accented with gold and white stripes, and the lettering “United States of America” is written in gold. The tail of

SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule with Four Astronauts Departs International Space Station, Begins Journey Home to Earth

On April 28, 2021, the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule with four astronauts departed the International Space Station (ISS) and began its journey home to Earth. The capsule, named Resilience, is the first of its kind to be used for a full-duration mission to the ISS. The four astronauts aboard the capsule are NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide, and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet. The mission began on April 23, when the Crew Dragon launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. After a successful launch,

SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule with Four Astronauts Departs International Space Station, Begins Return Journey to Earth

On May 1, 2021, four astronauts embarked on a historic journey as they departed the International Space Station (ISS) aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule. The capsule, named “Resilience”, is the first of its kind to be used for a crewed mission and marks a major milestone in the history of space exploration. The mission is the first time that astronauts have been launched into space aboard a commercial spacecraft, and the first time that a spacecraft has been used to transport astronauts from the ISS back to Earth.The four

SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule with Four Astronauts Departs International Space Station, Begins Journey Home

On Saturday, May 1, 2021, four astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule departed the International Space Station (ISS) and began their journey home. The mission, dubbed Crew-2, marks the second successful crewed mission for SpaceX and the first time four astronauts have returned from the ISS aboard a single spacecraft. The mission began on April 23, 2021, when the Crew Dragon capsule launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On board were NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet, and Japanese Aerospace