
Formal Verification of High-Level Synthesis Circuits at ETH Zurich

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It allows engineers to quickly create complex circuits from high-level descriptions, such as C or SystemC code. However, the resulting circuits can be difficult to verify, as the design process is not completely deterministic. To address this problem, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a formal verification approach for HLS circuits. The formal verification approach developed at ETH Zurich uses a combination of automated theorem proving and model checking techniques. The theorem prover is used to prove the correctness

Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automating Agile Hardware Design

Equivalence checking is a critical part of the hardware design process, and it has become increasingly important in the context of agile hardware design. Agile hardware design is a methodology that focuses on rapid iteration and prototyping, allowing designers to quickly identify and address issues. Equivalence checking is a process of verifying that two designs are functionally equivalent, and it can help ensure that changes to a design do not introduce unexpected behavior. Automating this process can help speed up the design process and reduce the risk of errors.The first