
GovernmentIndian Anti-Gambling Protestors Send Human Ashes to State Government

In recent weeks, a group of protestors in India have been sending human ashes to the state government in protest of gambling. The protestors are members of the National Anti-Gambling Movement, a grassroots organization that seeks to end gambling in the country. The ashes are meant to represent the lives that have been destroyed by gambling and to send a message to the government that they must take action to stop it. Gambling has been a problem in India for many years. It is estimated that there are over 100

Aotearoa to Experience Climate Strikes This Afternoon

This afternoon, Aotearoa will join the global movement of climate strikes, with protests taking place in cities and towns across the country. The climate strike is a peaceful demonstration of solidarity with young people around the world who are calling for urgent action to address the climate crisis. The protests are part of the global Fridays for Future movement, which was started by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg in 2018. The movement has since grown to include millions of people in over 150 countries, all demanding that governments take meaningful action