
Cyberattack Risk of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. However, with the rise of EVs comes the risk of cyberattacks on the charging infrastructure that supports them. As more and more EVs hit the roads, it is essential to understand the potential risks of cyberattacks on electric vehicle charging infrastructure and how to protect against them. The most common type of cyberattack on electric vehicle charging infrastructure is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. This type of attack is designed to overwhelm a system

Vega C Launch Failure Attributed to Nozzle Erosion

The Vega C rocket launch failure on July 10th, 2020 was a major setback for the European Space Agency (ESA). The Vega C rocket was intended to be the first of a new generation of rockets, but the mission ended in failure just seconds after launch. After an extensive investigation, the cause of the failure was determined to be nozzle erosion. Nozzle erosion occurs when the hot exhaust gases from the rocket engine erode the metal of the nozzle. This can cause the nozzle to become weaker and eventually fail.

US Pedestrian Fatalities Increase in First Half of 2022: New Projection

The first half of 2022 is projected to be a dangerous time for pedestrians in the United States. According to a new report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), pedestrian fatalities are expected to increase by 8.7 percent in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. This increase in pedestrian fatalities is concerning, as it marks the first time in five years that the number of pedestrian deaths has increased. The NHTSA report attributes the rise in fatalities to a number of factors,

Second Data Breach Results in Stolen Data from Lastpass Password Vault

Data breaches have become an increasingly common occurrence in the digital age. The latest example of this is the second data breach of Lastpass, a popular password vault service. Lastpass stores passwords and other sensitive information for its users, and the second data breach has resulted in the theft of user data. The breach occurred on July 15th, 2019, when Lastpass discovered that an unauthorized party had gained access to its systems. The company immediately took steps to secure its systems and investigate the incident. After an extensive investigation, Lastpass