
In the First Year, Recreational Cannabis Sales in New Mexico Surpass $300 Million

In the First Year, Recreational Cannabis Sales in New Mexico Surpass $300 MillionNew Mexico has become the latest state to join the growing list of states that have legalized recreational cannabis. In the first year of legal sales, recreational cannabis sales in New Mexico have surpassed $300 million, according to data from the state's Department of Health.The legalization of recreational cannabis in New Mexico has been a long time coming. The state first legalized medical cannabis in 2007, and since then, there has been a growing movement to legalize recreational

NBA Allows Marijuana Use: No Sanctions for Players Who Smoke

In a major shift from its previous stance, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has announced that it will no longer penalize players for using marijuana. The decision comes as more states in the US legalize the drug for medicinal and recreational purposes, and as the league seeks to address concerns about the mental health of its players.Under the new policy, players will not be tested for marijuana during the season, and those who test positive will not face any sanctions. However, players who are found to be using the drug

NBA Allows Marijuana Use for Players without Sanctions

The National Basketball Association (NBA) has recently made a significant change in its drug policy by allowing players to use marijuana without facing any sanctions. This decision has been made in response to the growing acceptance of marijuana use for medicinal and recreational purposes across the United States.The NBA's new policy allows players to use marijuana for pain management, anxiety, and other medical conditions. However, the league still prohibits the use of marijuana during games, practices, or any other team-related activities. Additionally, players who test positive for other drugs, such

Tennessee Legislators Call for the Reunification of Children with Parents Following Arrest for Cannabis Possession

Tennessee Legislators Call for the Reunification of Children with Parents Following Arrest for Cannabis PossessionIn recent years, there has been a growing movement to legalize cannabis across the United States. However, in states where cannabis is still illegal, possession of the drug can result in serious legal consequences, including arrest and imprisonment. Unfortunately, these consequences often extend beyond the individual who is arrested, affecting their families and loved ones as well.In Tennessee, legislators are calling for a change to the state's policies regarding cannabis possession and child welfare. Specifically, they

Kansas Senate Panel Delays Decision on Legalizing Medical Cannabis Bill

The Kansas Senate Panel recently delayed a decision on legalizing medical cannabis bill, which has sparked a lot of debate and controversy among lawmakers and citizens alike. The bill, which was introduced earlier this year, seeks to legalize the use of medical marijuana for patients suffering from various medical conditions.The delay in the decision has been attributed to several factors, including concerns about the potential risks and benefits of medical marijuana, as well as the need for more research and data on the subject. Some lawmakers have also expressed concerns

Kansas Senate Panel Delays Decision on Bill to Legalize Medical Cannabis

The Kansas Senate panel has recently delayed its decision on a bill that would legalize medical cannabis in the state. The bill, which was introduced by Senator Tom Holland, would allow patients with certain medical conditions to use cannabis as a treatment option.The decision to delay the bill comes after several hearings were held to discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of legalizing medical cannabis. Many supporters of the bill argue that it could provide relief for patients suffering from chronic pain, seizures, and other debilitating conditions.However, opponents of the

When Will Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana has been gaining traction in recent years as a viable form of treatment for a variety of conditions. As more states legalize the use of medical marijuana, many people are wondering when Medicare will begin to cover it. Unfortunately, the answer is not so simple. At this time, Medicare does not cover medical marijuana. This is because marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that it is illegal under federal law. Because Medicare is a federal program, it cannot cover

Kansas Republican States Medical Marijuana Bill Unlikely to Pass in 2023

In recent years, the legalization of medical marijuana has become a hot-button issue in many states across the United States. In Kansas, the Republican-controlled state legislature has been hesitant to pass a bill that would legalize medical marijuana. Despite the growing support for medical marijuana in the state, it is unlikely that a bill will pass in 2023. The main reason why a medical marijuana bill is unlikely to pass in Kansas is due to the Republican majority in the state legislature. The Republican party has traditionally been opposed to

Poll Finds Over Half of Texas Voters Support Relaxed Marijuana Laws, Decriminalization Bill Advances

The state of Texas is making progress towards marijuana reform. According to a recent poll, over half of Texas voters support relaxing marijuana laws and allowing for decriminalization. This is a significant shift in public opinion, as the state has long been known for its strict stance on marijuana.The poll, conducted by the University of Texas and Texas Tribune, surveyed 1,200 registered voters. It found that 53 percent of respondents supported reducing penalties for marijuana possession. This is a significant increase from the 39 percent who supported similar measures in

Planning Board Evaluates Proposed Marijuana Dispensary Locations

The debate over legalizing marijuana has been a hot topic for years, and now the discussion has shifted to where marijuana dispensaries should be located. Recently, a planning board in a major city was tasked with evaluating proposed locations for a marijuana dispensary. The planning board had to consider several factors when making their decision. First, they had to consider the safety of the proposed location. The board wanted to make sure that the dispensary would be located in an area that was safe for both customers and employees. They

Schenectady Dispensary to Begin Selling Retail Marijuana on April 1st, Owner Confirms

The city of Schenectady, New York is set to become the latest to join the growing list of cities that have legalized the sale of recreational marijuana. According to the owner of the local dispensary, the store will begin selling retail marijuana on April 1st. This marks a major milestone for the city of Schenectady, as it is the first city in the state to legalize the sale of recreational marijuana. The dispensary, which is located in downtown Schenectady, will offer a variety of products including cannabis-infused edibles, pre-rolled joints,