
Low THC Levels Detected in Auckland Air: A Serious Concern for Marijuana Users and Enthusiasts Featured on 95bfm’s Marijuana Media.

Recently, a concerning report has emerged from Auckland, New Zealand, regarding low levels of THC detected in the air. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound found in marijuana that produces the "high" sensation. The report was featured on 95bfm's Marijuana Media, a radio show dedicated to discussing cannabis-related news and culture.The report states that researchers from Massey University in Auckland have detected THC levels as low as 0.3 nanograms per cubic meter of air in certain parts of the city. While this may seem like a small amount, it

In the First Year, Recreational Cannabis Sales in New Mexico Surpass $300 Million

In the First Year, Recreational Cannabis Sales in New Mexico Surpass $300 MillionNew Mexico has become the latest state to join the growing list of states that have legalized recreational cannabis. In the first year of legal sales, recreational cannabis sales in New Mexico have surpassed $300 million, according to data from the state's Department of Health.The legalization of recreational cannabis in New Mexico has been a long time coming. The state first legalized medical cannabis in 2007, and since then, there has been a growing movement to legalize recreational

What are the Possible Market Implications of Trump’s Indictment?

Possible Market Implications of Trump's IndictmentThe possibility of former President Donald Trump being indicted has been a topic of discussion for some time now. While the legal implications of such an indictment are still unclear, it is important to consider the potential market implications of such an event.Firstly, it is important to note that the stock market does not always react to political events in a predictable manner. However, the uncertainty and instability that could arise from a Trump indictment could lead to market volatility. Investors may become hesitant to

Efficient Strategies for Addressing the Silent Revenue Killer: Inefficient Collections Process

Inefficient collections processes can be a silent revenue killer for businesses. When customers fail to pay their bills on time, it can lead to cash flow problems and ultimately impact the bottom line. However, there are strategies that businesses can implement to address this issue and improve their collections process.1. Establish clear payment terms and policiesOne of the most effective ways to improve collections is to establish clear payment terms and policies. This includes setting due dates for invoices, outlining consequences for late payments, and providing multiple payment options. By

US Judge Warns of Potential Legal Liability Associated with Governance Tokens

In recent years, the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) has led to the emergence of governance tokens. These tokens allow holders to participate in the decision-making process of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) or other decentralized platform. While governance tokens offer exciting opportunities for community-driven decision-making, they also come with potential legal liabilities.A recent warning from a US judge highlights the potential legal risks associated with governance tokens. In a case involving a dispute over the ownership of a DAO, the judge noted that governance tokens could be considered securities

Why Managed IT Services Need to Prioritize Disaster Recovery Planning

Disasters can strike at any time, and they can have a devastating impact on businesses of all sizes. From natural disasters like hurricanes and floods to cyber attacks and hardware failures, there are many potential threats that can disrupt your business operations and cause significant financial losses. That's why it's essential for managed IT services to prioritize disaster recovery planning.Disaster recovery planning is the process of creating a plan to restore your IT systems and data in the event of a disaster. This plan should include procedures for backing up

An Informative Guide for Novice Investors: Angel Investing Explained

Angel investing is a type of investment that involves providing financial support to early-stage startups or entrepreneurs. This type of investment is usually made by high net worth individuals, also known as angel investors, who are looking to invest in promising startups in exchange for equity in the company.Angel investing can be a great way for novice investors to get involved in the world of investing. However, it is important to understand the risks and rewards associated with this type of investment before getting started.Here is an informative guide for

Inven, a Finnish startup, receives €1.5 million funding to revolutionize M&A procedures.

Inven, a Finnish startup, has recently received €1.5 million in funding to revolutionize the procedures of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The company is set to introduce a new software platform that will streamline the M&A process, making it faster, more efficient, and more cost-effective for businesses.Mergers and acquisitions are complex processes that involve a lot of paperwork, legal procedures, and negotiations. The process can take months, if not years, to complete, and can be very expensive for businesses. Inven aims to change that by introducing a software platform that will