
Facebook Users Targeted for Political Microtargeting Draws Criticism in Bundestag

In recent years, political microtargeting has become a popular tool for political campaigns to reach specific groups of voters with tailored messages. However, this practice has drawn criticism in Germany's Bundestag, as Facebook users have been targeted for political microtargeting.Microtargeting involves using data analysis to identify specific groups of people based on their interests, demographics, and behavior. This information is then used to create targeted ads and messages that are designed to appeal to those individuals. In the context of politics, microtargeting can be used to sway undecided voters or

US Officials Contemplate Extending Deposit Insurance Coverage to More Individuals and Institutions

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, US officials have been contemplating extending deposit insurance coverage to more individuals and institutions. Deposit insurance is a government-backed program that protects depositors in case their bank fails. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is the agency responsible for administering this program.Currently, the FDIC insures deposits up to $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. This coverage applies to all types of deposit accounts, including checking, savings, money market, and certificate of deposit (CD) accounts. The FDIC does not insure investments such as

Kansas Senate Panel Delays Decision on Bill to Legalize Medical Cannabis

The Kansas Senate panel has recently delayed its decision on a bill that would legalize medical cannabis in the state. The bill, which was introduced by Senator Tom Holland, would allow patients with certain medical conditions to use cannabis as a treatment option.The decision to delay the bill comes after several hearings were held to discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of legalizing medical cannabis. Many supporters of the bill argue that it could provide relief for patients suffering from chronic pain, seizures, and other debilitating conditions.However, opponents of the

Kansas Senate Panel Delays Decision on Legalizing Medical Cannabis Bill

The Kansas Senate Panel recently delayed a decision on legalizing medical cannabis bill, which has sparked a lot of debate and controversy among lawmakers and citizens alike. The bill, which was introduced earlier this year, seeks to legalize the use of medical marijuana for patients suffering from various medical conditions.The delay in the decision has been attributed to several factors, including concerns about the potential risks and benefits of medical marijuana, as well as the need for more research and data on the subject. Some lawmakers have also expressed concerns

Russian Lawmakers Pass First Reading of Draft Laws to Regulate and Issue Central Bank Digital Currency

On June 3, 2020, Russian lawmakers passed the first reading of two draft laws that would regulate and issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The two bills, the Digital Financial Assets and the Digital Rights, were proposed by the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance. The bills are part of a larger effort by the Russian government to create a digital economy and to promote the use of digital currencies.The Digital Financial Assets bill seeks to regulate the issuance, circulation, and use of digital financial assets (DFA).

Russian Lawmakers Pass Initial Reading of Draft Laws for Regulating and Issuing Central Bank Digital Currency

In a move that could revolutionize the way Russia handles its currency, Russian lawmakers have passed the initial reading of two draft laws that would regulate and issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This move marks a major step forward for the country in terms of modernizing its financial infrastructure and bringing it into the digital age.The two draft laws, which were passed by the State Duma on April 15th, 2021, are aimed at regulating the issuance and use of CBDCs. The first law outlines the legal framework for

Russian Lawmakers Pass First Reading of Draft Laws for Regulation and Issuance of Central Bank Digital Currency

On February 11, 2021, Russian lawmakers passed the first reading of draft laws that would regulate and issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This is a significant step towards the adoption of a digital ruble, which could become the first major CBDC to be issued by a major economy. The draft laws were proposed by the Bank of Russia, the country’s central bank, and were approved by the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament. The draft laws are aimed at creating a legal framework for the

Oklahoma’s Broken Arrow Schools Voice Worries Over Proposed Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

The state of Oklahoma is currently considering a ballot initiative that would legalize recreational marijuana. Although the proposed measure has the potential to generate much-needed revenue for the state, it has raised concerns among parents and school administrators in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.The Broken Arrow Public Schools Board of Education recently released a statement expressing their worries about the potential legalization of recreational marijuana. The statement noted that the board is “concerned about the impact this could have on our students, staff, and community.”The board’s primary concern is that legalizing recreational

Pentagon to Request Multiyear Munitions Purchases in Upcoming Budget Proposal

The Pentagon is planning to request multiyear munitions purchases in its upcoming budget proposal, a move that could save the U.S. military billions of dollars in the long run. The proposal, which is expected to be released in February, would allow the Pentagon to purchase munitions over a period of several years, rather than buying them on an annual basis. Multiyear purchases are a common practice in the private sector, but they are relatively rare in the military. The Pentagon has used multiyear contracts in the past, but only for

US Senators Urge Mark Zuckerberg to Implement Age Restrictions on Metaverse Platform

sRecently, a group of US Senators have urged Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to implement age restrictions on Metaverse platforms. Metaverse platforms are virtual worlds that allow users to interact with one another in an online environment. These platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years, and many of the users are children and teens.The senators, led by Senator Richard Blumenthal, wrote a letter to Zuckerberg expressing their concern about the potential risks posed by these platforms. They noted that the lack of age restrictions could lead to children and teens

Oklahoma Moms Discuss Pros and Cons of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

As Oklahoma lawmakers consider legalizing recreational marijuana, Oklahoma moms are debating the pros and cons of such a move. While some moms believe that legalizing recreational marijuana could bring economic benefits to the state, others are concerned about the potential health and social risks associated with its use. Proponents of legalizing recreational marijuana in Oklahoma point to the potential economic benefits that could come with it. Legalizing recreational marijuana could bring in much-needed tax revenue for the state, which could be used to fund education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects. Additionally,