
MCC-funded Power Line Project Faces Potential Land Acquisition Challenges – The Kathmandu Post

The Kathmandu Post recently reported on the potential land acquisition challenges that the Multilateral Cooperation Centre (MCC)-funded power line project is facing in Nepal. The project, which is part of Nepal’s Power System Expansion Plan, aims to construct a 400kV transmission line from the Indian border to Kathmandu. The project is estimated to cost US$400 million and is expected to be completed by 2024. The project has been met with opposition from local communities who are concerned about the potential impacts of the power line on their land. The project

MCC-funded Power Line Project Faces Possible Land Acquisition Challenges: The Kathmandu Post

The Kathmandu Post recently reported on a power line project funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that is facing potential land acquisition challenges. The project, which is set to bring electricity to rural areas of Nepal, has been met with some resistance from local communities due to the potential disruption of their livelihoods. The MCC is a U.S. government agency that provides grants to developing countries in order to promote economic growth and reduce poverty. The power line project in Nepal is part of the MCC’s larger goal of

Barcelona to Impose Taxes on Logistics Companies

The city of Barcelona is set to impose taxes on logistics companies operating in the city. This move is part of the city's efforts to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, as well as to generate additional revenue for the city. The taxes will be imposed on companies that use large vehicles to transport goods within the city. The amount of the tax will depend on the size of the vehicle and the number of trips it makes within the city. Companies that use smaller vehicles will be exempt from