formal verification

Formal Verification of High-Level Synthesis Circuits at ETH Zurich

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It allows engineers to quickly create complex circuits from high-level descriptions, such as C or SystemC code. However, the resulting circuits can be difficult to verify, as the design process is not completely deterministic. To address this problem, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a formal verification approach for HLS circuits. The formal verification approach developed at ETH Zurich uses a combination of automated theorem proving and model checking techniques. The theorem prover is used to prove the correctness

Formal Verification for Enhancing the Performance of High-Level Synthesis-Generated Circuits at ETH Zurich

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It enables designers to quickly and efficiently create complex circuits from high-level descriptions, such as C/C++ or SystemC. However, the performance of these circuits can be unpredictable and difficult to verify. To address this issue, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a formal verification technique for enhancing the performance of HLS-generated circuits.The technique, called “Formal Verification for Enhancing the Performance of High-Level Synthesis-Generated Circuits” (FVEC), is based on a combination of formal verification and high-level synthesis. It uses a

ETH Zurich’s Formal Verification Approach to Improving the Quality of HLS-Generated Circuits

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It allows designers to quickly and easily create complex circuits from high-level descriptions. However, the quality of the resulting circuits can be difficult to verify. ETH Zurich has developed a formal verification approach to improve the quality of HLS-generated circuits.The formal verification approach at ETH Zurich is based on a combination of formal methods and automated testing. Formal methods are used to check the correctness of the circuit design, while automated testing is used to check the performance of

ETH Zurich: Optimizing HLS-Produced Circuits Through Formal Verification

ETH Zurich is one of the leading universities in the world for research and innovation in the field of engineering and technology. In recent years, ETH Zurich has been exploring ways to optimize circuits produced through High-Level Synthesis (HLS) through formal verification. HLS is a process that allows engineers to quickly design and implement complex digital circuits from high-level programming languages. This process is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to reduce the time and cost associated with designing and implementing digital circuits.Formal verification is the process of mathematically

Formal Verification of HLS-Produced Circuits at ETH Zurich.

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool used in the development of digital circuits. It enables designers to quickly and efficiently create complex digital systems from a high-level description. However, the quality of the resulting circuit is highly dependent on the quality of the HLS-produced code. To ensure that the circuits produced by HLS are of high quality, formal verification techniques are being developed at ETH Zurich. Formal verification is a process of mathematically proving that a given system meets its desired specifications. It is used to ensure that the

Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automating Agile Hardware Design

Equivalence checking is a critical part of the hardware design process, and it has become increasingly important in the context of agile hardware design. Agile hardware design is a methodology that focuses on rapid iteration and prototyping, allowing designers to quickly identify and address issues. Equivalence checking is a process of verifying that two designs are functionally equivalent, and it can help ensure that changes to a design do not introduce unexpected behavior. Automating this process can help speed up the design process and reduce the risk of errors.The first

Automating Equivalence Checking for Agile Hardware Design Workflows

Equivalence checking is an important part of the hardware design process, ensuring that the design meets the desired specifications. However, manual equivalence checking can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Automating this process can help to streamline the hardware design workflow, allowing designers to focus on more creative tasks. Equivalence checking involves comparing two designs to ensure that they are functionally equivalent. This is done by comparing the logic of the two designs and verifying that they will produce the same output for any given input. This process can be