
Countries with large unbanked populations have the highest adoption rates of Crypto and Bitcoin ATMs.

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant increase in the adoption of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin. While this trend has been observed across the globe, it is particularly pronounced in countries with large unbanked populations. This is because cryptocurrencies offer a viable alternative to traditional banking systems that are often inaccessible to these populations.According to a report by the World Bank, approximately 1.7 billion adults worldwide do not have access to formal financial services. This means that they are unable to open bank accounts, take out loans or access

Apartment Dwellers Gain Access to Rooftop Solar with Allume Energy’s SolShare System

As the world continues to move towards renewable energy sources, solar energy is becoming increasingly popular. Apartment dwellers, however, have been largely excluded from the benefits of solar energy due to the lack of access to rooftop space. But now, with Allume Energy’s SolShare system, apartment dwellers can finally access the benefits of solar energy. SolShare is a solar energy system designed specifically for apartment dwellers. It allows them to access rooftop solar without having to install their own panels. Instead, SolShare works by connecting multiple apartments together and using

“Meta Quest Receives Unreal Engine 5 Support with Two Features Excluded”

Meta Quest, the popular open-world action-adventure game, has recently announced that it will be receiving support for the upcoming Unreal Engine 5. This is exciting news for fans of the game, as it will bring a whole new level of graphics and performance to the game. However, there are two features that will not be supported in the Unreal Engine 5 version of Meta Quest. The first feature that will not be supported is the game's dynamic lighting system. This system allowed players to experience a more realistic lighting system,

South Dakota Governor Rejects Bill to Exclude Cryptocurrencies from State’s Definition of Money

On April 8th, 2021, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem vetoed a bill that would have excluded cryptocurrencies from the state’s definition of money. The bill, which was passed by the state’s House of Representatives and Senate, would have prevented businesses from accepting cryptocurrencies as payment. The bill was proposed in response to the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as a form of payment. Supporters of the bill argued that cryptocurrencies are too volatile and unpredictable to be used as a form of payment, and that the

NMPA Roundup: February 2023 Highlights

The National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA) has released its monthly roundup of music industry highlights for February 2023. This month’s roundup includes a variety of noteworthy developments, including new music releases, copyright law updates, and more. Here’s a look at some of the highlights from this month’s NMPA Roundup. New Music Releases: February 2023 saw a number of exciting new music releases, including the highly anticipated debut album from rising star singer-songwriter, Mabel. Mabel’s album, “High Expectations”, has been met with critical acclaim and is already climbing the charts. Other

Exploring the Need for Gender Inclusivity in the Fintech Industry on International Women’s Day (Jamel Derdour)

The financial technology (fintech) industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, with the global market estimated to be worth over $309 billion by 2022. However, despite this growth, the industry is still largely dominated by men. This is especially true in leadership roles, where women are significantly underrepresented. International Women’s Day is an important opportunity to recognize the need for gender inclusivity in the fintech industry and to take steps to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to succeed.The lack of gender inclusivity in the fintech industry is