
Low THC Levels Detected in Auckland Air: A Serious Concern for Marijuana Users, as Discussed on 95bfm’s Marijuana Media.

Recently, 95bfm's Marijuana Media reported on a concerning issue for marijuana users in Auckland. Low levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, were detected in the air. This has raised concerns about the quality and potency of marijuana available in the city.THC is the main compound responsible for the "high" that marijuana users experience. It is also responsible for many of the medicinal benefits of marijuana, such as pain relief and reducing anxiety. When THC levels are low, users may not experience the desired effects of marijuana, and may

“Mitigating Harmful Effects: The Role of Algorithms and Data in Promoting Health Equity – AAAS Panel Recap”

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) recently hosted a panel discussion on the topic of "Mitigating Harmful Effects: The Role of Algorithms and Data in Promoting Health Equity." The panel brought together experts from various fields to discuss the ways in which algorithms and data can be used to promote health equity and mitigate harmful effects.The panel began by discussing the current state of health equity in the United States. Despite advances in medical technology and public health initiatives, there are still significant disparities in health outcomes

“Exploring the Role of Algorithms and Data in Promoting Health Equity: Insights from AAAS Panel Recap”

Algorithms and data have become increasingly important in promoting health equity. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) recently held a panel discussion on this topic, which provided valuable insights into the role of algorithms and data in promoting health equity.One of the key takeaways from the panel discussion was that algorithms and data can help identify health disparities and inform interventions to address them. For example, algorithms can be used to analyze electronic health records and identify patterns of health disparities based on factors such as race,

“Exploring the Intersection of AI and Web3 with Dušan Stojanović: A Discussion on DigFin VOX Ep. 54”

In the latest episode of DigFin VOX, Dušan Stojanović, the founder and CEO of True Global Ventures, discussed the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and Web3. The conversation centered on the potential of these two technologies to transform industries and create new opportunities for businesses and individuals.Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is a new version of the internet that is built on blockchain technology. It aims to create a more open and transparent internet that is not controlled by a few large corporations. AI, on the other hand,

Capcom Discusses Plans for Resident Evil Village on PSVR 2 and Future Developments

Capcom, the renowned video game developer and publisher, has recently revealed its plans for Resident Evil Village on the upcoming PlayStation VR 2 and future developments. The announcement has sparked excitement among fans of the Resident Evil franchise, as they eagerly await the release of the highly anticipated game.Resident Evil Village, the eighth installment in the Resident Evil series, is set to be released on May 7, 2021, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. However, Capcom has now confirmed that the game will also

How to Train an Adapter for RoBERTa Model to Perform Sequence Classification Task

RoBERTa is a pre-trained language model that has shown remarkable performance in various natural language processing tasks. However, to use RoBERTa for a specific task, such as sequence classification, we need to fine-tune it on a labeled dataset. In this article, we will discuss how to train an adapter for RoBERTa model to perform sequence classification task.What is an Adapter?An adapter is a small neural network that is added to a pre-trained model to adapt it to a specific task. It is a lightweight and efficient way to fine-tune a

Insights into the Current State of the Cannabis Industry from Spannabis 2023

As the cannabis industry continues to grow and evolve, industry professionals and enthusiasts alike look to events like Spannabis to gain insights into the current state of the industry. Spannabis 2023, held in Barcelona, Spain, provided a platform for industry leaders to share their knowledge and experiences with attendees.One of the key takeaways from Spannabis 2023 was the increasing legalization of cannabis around the world. Many countries are recognizing the potential economic benefits of legalizing cannabis, and are taking steps to do so. This has led to a surge in

AI ‘Copilot’ for Doctors to Take Notes on Patient Care to be Tested in Hospital

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making significant strides in the healthcare industry, and now it is set to revolutionize the way doctors take notes on patient care. A new AI 'copilot' is being developed to assist doctors in taking notes during patient consultations, which will be tested in a hospital setting.The AI copilot is designed to listen to conversations between doctors and patients and take notes on the key points discussed. This will help doctors to focus more on the patient and less on taking notes, which can be time-consuming

Local Experts Discuss IPCC Report on Climate Change: Impacts and Urgency.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released its latest report on the impacts of climate change, and the urgency for action to mitigate these impacts. The report, which was written by over 200 scientists from around the world, highlights the devastating effects of climate change that are already being felt, and the dire consequences that will result if we do not take immediate action.To better understand the implications of this report, we spoke with local experts in the field of climate science and policy. Here is what they

Shiller, Co-founded by Snoop Dogg, Aims to Revolutionize the Creator Economy with Web3 – Insights from SlateCast #55

Shiller, a new platform co-founded by rapper and entrepreneur Snoop Dogg, is aiming to revolutionize the creator economy with Web3 technology. The platform, which is still in development, promises to provide creators with more control over their content and revenue streams, while also offering fans new ways to engage with their favorite creators.The idea behind Shiller is to create a decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology to enable creators to monetize their content directly, without the need for intermediaries like YouTube or Patreon. This would give creators more control over

“Shiller, Co-Founded by Snoop Dogg, Aims to Revolutionize the Creator Economy with Web3 Technology – A Discussion on SlateCast #55”

Shiller, a new platform co-founded by rapper and entrepreneur Snoop Dogg, is aiming to revolutionize the creator economy with the help of Web3 technology. The platform is designed to help creators monetize their content and build their own communities, while also giving them more control over their intellectual property.In a recent episode of SlateCast, a podcast focused on technology and innovation, the hosts discussed the potential impact of Shiller on the creator economy. The guests on the show included Shiller co-founder and CEO, Zach Katz, as well as investor and

Listen to Scott Dykstra, CTO of Space and Time, and Purandar Das, CEO of Sotero, on the Around the Coin Podcast

In the Around the Coin podcast, Scott Dykstra, CTO of Space and Time, and Purandar Das, CEO of Sotero, discussed the importance of technology in the modern world. They discussed how technology has changed the way businesses operate and how it has enabled them to reach new heights.Scott Dykstra began by discussing how technology has enabled businesses to become more efficient and productive. He explained how technology has allowed businesses to automate processes, streamline operations, and reduce costs. He also discussed how technology has allowed businesses to reach new markets