design process

Timeline of Burnie Court Complex Development to Finalise CBD Location

The Burnie Court Complex is a major development project in the heart of the Burnie CBD. It is set to be a major hub for the city, providing a range of services and amenities for the local community. The project has been in the works for many years, and the timeline of its development is an interesting one. The first step in the development of the Burnie Court Complex was the selection of a site. In 2015, the Burnie City Council chose a site on the corner of Cattley Street

Exploring Approximate Accelerators Using Automated Framework on FPGA Architecture

The use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to provide high performance and flexibility. FPGAs are a type of integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform specific tasks, allowing for the development of custom hardware solutions. As such, they are often used for applications such as embedded systems, digital signal processing, and image processing.However, the development of FPGA-based solutions can be time-consuming and complex due to the need for manual design and optimization. To address this challenge, researchers

Formal Verification of High-Level Synthesis Circuits at ETH Zurich

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It allows engineers to quickly create complex circuits from high-level descriptions, such as C or SystemC code. However, the resulting circuits can be difficult to verify, as the design process is not completely deterministic. To address this problem, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a formal verification approach for HLS circuits. The formal verification approach developed at ETH Zurich uses a combination of automated theorem proving and model checking techniques. The theorem prover is used to prove the correctness

Formal Verification for Enhancing the Performance of High-Level Synthesis-Generated Circuits at ETH Zurich

High-level synthesis (HLS) is a powerful tool for designing digital circuits. It enables designers to quickly and efficiently create complex circuits from high-level descriptions, such as C/C++ or SystemC. However, the performance of these circuits can be unpredictable and difficult to verify. To address this issue, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a formal verification technique for enhancing the performance of HLS-generated circuits.The technique, called “Formal Verification for Enhancing the Performance of High-Level Synthesis-Generated Circuits” (FVEC), is based on a combination of formal verification and high-level synthesis. It uses a

Deep Neural Network Learning for Asynchronous Parallel Optimization of Analog Transistor Sizing

Analog transistor sizing is a critical part of the design process for analog integrated circuits. It involves finding the optimal size of transistors to achieve the desired performance of the circuit. Traditionally, this process has been done manually, but with the advent of deep neural networks, it is now possible to use machine learning algorithms to automate the process.Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful machine learning algorithms that can learn complex patterns from large datasets. They are particularly well-suited for analog transistor sizing because they can learn the optimal size

Automated Equivalence Checking Workflow for Agile Hardware Design

The development of electronic hardware products is becoming increasingly complex, and the need for efficient and reliable verification methods is growing. Automated equivalence checking is a powerful tool that can be used to ensure that hardware designs are functionally equivalent to their original specifications. This article will discuss the benefits of using an automated equivalence checking workflow for agile hardware design.An automated equivalence checking workflow is a process that compares two versions of a design to ensure that they are functionally equivalent. This process can be used to verify that

Automating Equivalence Checking in Agile Hardware Design Workflows

Equivalence checking is an important step in the hardware design process, as it ensures that two designs are functionally equivalent. This process can be time-consuming and tedious, however, and can slow down the development process. Automating equivalence checking can help speed up the hardware design process and make it more efficient.Equivalence checking is a process of verifying that two designs are functionally equivalent. This is done by comparing the two designs to ensure that they have the same inputs, outputs, and behavior. The process can be manual or automated, depending

Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automating Agile Hardware Design

Equivalence checking is a critical part of the hardware design process, and it has become increasingly important in the context of agile hardware design. Agile hardware design is a methodology that focuses on rapid iteration and prototyping, allowing designers to quickly identify and address issues. Equivalence checking is a process of verifying that two designs are functionally equivalent, and it can help ensure that changes to a design do not introduce unexpected behavior. Automating this process can help speed up the design process and reduce the risk of errors.The first

Equivalence Checking Workflow for Automated Agile Hardware Design

Equivalence checking is an important part of the automated agile hardware design process. It is used to ensure that two designs are functionally equivalent, meaning that they will produce the same results when implemented. This process is essential for ensuring that designs are correct and that any changes made during the design process do not introduce errors or unexpected behavior.The equivalence checking workflow begins with the development of a reference design. This is the original design that will be used as the basis for comparison. The reference design must be

Automating Equivalence Checking for Agile Hardware Design Workflows

Equivalence checking is an important part of the hardware design process, ensuring that the design meets the desired specifications. However, manual equivalence checking can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Automating this process can help to streamline the hardware design workflow, allowing designers to focus on more creative tasks. Equivalence checking involves comparing two designs to ensure that they are functionally equivalent. This is done by comparing the logic of the two designs and verifying that they will produce the same output for any given input. This process can be

Vega C Launch Failure Attributed to Nozzle Erosion

The Vega C rocket launch failure on July 10th, 2020 was a major setback for the European Space Agency (ESA). The Vega C rocket was intended to be the first of a new generation of rockets, but the mission ended in failure just seconds after launch. After an extensive investigation, the cause of the failure was determined to be nozzle erosion. Nozzle erosion occurs when the hot exhaust gases from the rocket engine erode the metal of the nozzle. This can cause the nozzle to become weaker and eventually fail.