
Natwest Bank Introduces Restrictions on Cryptocurrency Payments to Curb UK Crypto Frauds

In a bid to curb the rising number of crypto frauds in the UK, NatWest Bank has announced that it will be introducing restrictions on cryptocurrency payments. This move is part of the bank’s effort to protect its customers from falling victim to such scams. Cryptocurrency frauds have become increasingly common in the UK, with criminals using the digital currency to facilitate their activities. In recent months, there have been a number of high-profile cases of people being scammed out of large sums of money through cryptocurrency transactions. As a

FBI Reports Record Loss of $10.3 Billion to Online Scams in 2022

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently reported a record loss of $10.3 billion to online scams in 2022. This is a staggering amount of money that has been lost to cybercriminals in just one year. The FBI estimates that this number could be even higher as many victims may not have reported their losses. The FBI has identified a variety of online scams that have been used to steal money from unsuspecting victims. These scams include phishing emails, fake investment opportunities, and romance scams. Phishing emails are designed

Poll Finds Over Half of Texas Voters Support Relaxing Marijuana Laws, Decriminalization Bill Moves Forward

As the country continues to grapple with the issue of marijuana legalization, a new poll conducted by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune has found that over half of Texas voters support relaxing the state’s marijuana laws. The poll, which surveyed 1,200 registered voters in Texas, found that 54 percent of respondents support either legalizing marijuana for recreational use or reducing criminal penalties for possession.The poll results come as a bill to decriminalize marijuana possession in Texas is moving forward in the state legislature. The proposed bill, HB

Sparta Police Seize Over $125K in Marijuana and Mushrooms During Crime and Courts Investigation

The Sparta Police Department recently made a major bust in their ongoing investigation into crime and courts. During their investigation, they seized over $125,000 worth of marijuana and mushrooms. This is the largest drug bust in the history of Sparta and is a major victory for law enforcement.The investigation began when police received a tip from a confidential informant that drugs were being sold from a local residence. After obtaining a search warrant, police entered the residence and found over two pounds of marijuana and over two pounds of mushrooms.

BlockFi’s Potential Exposure to Silicon Valley Bank Investigated by Circle; Other Companies Deny Any Involvement

Recent reports have surfaced that BlockFi, a cryptocurrency lending platform, is being investigated by Circle, a cryptocurrency finance company, for potential exposure to Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The investigation is reportedly related to SVB’s alleged involvement in a money laundering scheme.BlockFi has denied any involvement in the scheme and has stated that it has no relationship with SVB. Circle’s investigation is reportedly focused on whether BlockFi had any knowledge of SVB’s activities and whether it had any exposure to the bank.The allegations against SVB stem from a report by the

BEC Fraud Losses Exceed $3 Billion as Cybercriminals Target Pig Butchering and Investment Scams

In recent years, cybercrime has become an increasingly serious problem, with billions of dollars in losses reported each year. The latest figures from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) show that business email compromise (BEC) fraud losses have now exceeded $3 billion. BEC fraud is a type of cybercrime in which criminals use social engineering techniques to gain access to corporate emails and networks, allowing them to steal money or data.The majority of BEC fraud losses are due to two types of scams. The first is pig butchering, in