
US Senators Call for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Take Action to Prevent Minors from Accessing Metaverse

PlatformsIn recent weeks, US Senators have called for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to take action to prevent minors from accessing metaverse platforms. Metaverse platforms are virtual worlds that allow users to interact with each other in a 3D environment. These platforms are becoming increasingly popular among young people, and the US Senators are concerned about the potential risks these platforms pose to minors.The senators have cited several potential risks associated with metaverse platforms, including cyberbullying, online predators, and exposure to inappropriate content. They have also expressed concern about the potential

Oklahoma Moms Share Their Views on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

As more states across the country move to legalize recreational marijuana, Oklahoma is beginning to consider the possibility of doing the same. In a recent survey of Oklahoma moms, opinions on the matter were mixed. The majority of moms surveyed felt that legalizing recreational marijuana would have a negative effect on the state. They cited concerns about increased drug use among teens, increased crime, and the potential for marijuana to be used as a gateway drug. Many also expressed worries about the potential health risks associated with marijuana use, such

Silvergate Bank Loses Clients as Gemini,, Bitstamp, and MicroStrategy Distance Themselves

The cryptocurrency industry is in a state of flux, with many companies and banks vying for a share of the market. One of the most prominent players in the space is Silvergate Bank, which has been providing banking services to cryptocurrency companies since 2013. However, in recent months, several major players in the industry have decided to distance themselves from Silvergate Bank, citing concerns about its business practices. Gemini,, Bitstamp, and MicroStrategy have all announced that they are no longer working with Silvergate Bank. The reasons for this decision

Bally’s Closes Monkey Knife Fight App and Plans to Exit Bet.Works Platform

Bally’s Corporation, a leading gaming and entertainment company, recently announced its plans to close its Monkey Knife Fight (MKF) app and exit the Bet.Works platform. This news comes as a surprise to many, as MKF had been a popular fantasy sports platform since its launch in 2018.The company cited “unfavorable market conditions” as the reason for the closure of the app. Bally’s also stated that it would be exiting the Bet.Works platform in order to focus on its core business operations. This decision follows the company’s recent acquisition of Bet.Works,

UBS Analysts Forecast Limited Impact of Forthcoming Mt Gox Distributions on Bitcoin Price

As the crypto industry continues to evolve, one of the most talked about topics is the upcoming Mt Gox distributions. Mt Gox was once the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange before it was hacked in 2014, resulting in the loss of 850,000 Bitcoins. The company has since been in bankruptcy proceedings and is now in the process of distributing the remaining funds to creditors.Recently, UBS analysts released a report forecasting the potential impact of the Mt Gox distributions on the price of Bitcoin. According to their analysis, the impact of the