
Bulgarian Emissions Fraud Investigated by EU Prosecutor

The European Union (EU) has recently launched an investigation into allegations of emissions fraud in Bulgaria. The investigation follows reports that Bulgarian authorities have been manipulating emissions data to hide the true levels of air pollution in the country.The investigation is being conducted by the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). The EPPO is an independent body that investigates and prosecutes cases of fraud, corruption and other criminal activities against the EU's financial interests. In this case, the EPPO is looking into whether Bulgarian authorities have been deliberately falsifying emissions data

An Overview of Seven Notable Fintech Fraud Cases in Recent Years: Who Was Held Accountable?

Fintech, or financial technology, has revolutionized the way we handle our finances. From online banking to cryptocurrency, fintech has made it easier than ever to manage our money. However, with this new technology comes a new set of risks. In recent years, there have been several notable cases of fintech fraud. Here is an overview of seven of these cases and who was held accountable. The first case is the collapse of the Mt. Gox Bitcoin exchange in 2014. Mt. Gox was one of the largest Bitcoin exchanges in the